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Server crash error. - Printable Version

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Server crash error. - Dokins - 04.07.2016

pawn Код:
10:57:12] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[10:57:12] [debug] Native backtrace:
[10:57:12] [debug] #0 6a134c33 in ?? () from plugins\mysql.dll
[10:57:12] [debug] #1 6a134817 in ?? () from plugins\mysql.dll
[10:57:12] [debug] #2 6a13ca6f in ?? () from plugins\mysql.dll
[10:57:12] [debug] #3 6a15ad3e in ?? () from plugins\mysql.dll
[10:57:12] [debug] #4 5f7a62a4 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ucrtbase.DLL
[10:57:12] [debug] #5 74f086e3 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
[10:57:12] [debug] #6 777baa29 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
[10:57:12] [debug] #7 777ba9fc in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Last thing called before crash:

pawn Код:
stock SavePlayerData(playerid)
    if(LoggedIn[playerid] == 1)
        new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
        GetPlayerArmour(playerid, PlayerArmour[playerid]);
        new query[600];
        format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET LastX = %f, LastY = %f, LastZ = %f, LastVW = %d, LastInt = %d WHERE id = %d", x, y, z,GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), PlayerSQLID[playerid]);
        mysql_tquery(dbHandle, query, "", "");
        format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `TotalTime` = %d, `Money` = %d, ThiefCooldown = %d,HotwireCooldown = %d, `SGrip` = %d, `MGrip` = %d, `LGrip` = %d,`SFrame` = %d, `MFrame` = %d, `LFrame` = %d,`SBarrel` = %d, `MBarrel` = %d, `LBarrel` = %d, `Jail` = %d, `AdminJail` = %d, FishBait = %d, `Armour` = %f, LastLogin = %d, JobCooldown = %d, PizzaCooldown = %d, WepTime = %d, DrugTime = %d, MFrags = %d, LastPayday = %d, SweepCooldown = %d WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1"
        , TotalTime[playerid], PlayerMoney[playerid], ThiefCooldown[playerid],HotwireCooldown[playerid],SGrip[playerid], MGrip[playerid], LGrip[playerid],SFrame[playerid],MFrame[playerid],LFrame[playerid], SBarrel[playerid],MBarrel[playerid],LBarrel[playerid], Jail[playerid], AdminJail[playerid],FishBait[playerid],PlayerArmour[playerid],LastLogin[playerid], JobCooldown[playerid], PizzaCooldown[playerid],WepTime[playerid], DrugTime[playerid], MFrags[playerid], LastPayday[playerid],
        SweepCooldown[playerid], PlayerSQLID[playerid]);
        mysql_tquery(dbHandle, query,"", "");
        for(new w = 0; w < 13; w++)
            if(PlayerWeapons[playerid][w] > 0)
                MySQL_SetInteger(PlayerWeapons[playerid][w], "WepAmmo", WepAmmo[PlayerWeapons[playerid][w]], "weapons");
    //Simple mysql query.
    return 1;
I'm nearly in tears with this issue, I can't resolve it.

Re: Server crash error. - Mencent - 04.07.2016


Do you have the file mysql.log? If so, are there some information?

Re: Server crash error. - Dokins - 04.07.2016

I have and the log provides no indication.

Re: Server crash error. - Stinged - 04.07.2016

Debug it to find where exactly the server is crashing.

Re: Server crash error. - Dokins - 05.07.2016

I've been debugging continually there appears to be no pattern.

Re: Server crash error. - Mencent - 05.07.2016

Do you think that this function cause this crash? Maybe you uncomment this function in your script. Then you can see wheather this function is the problem.

Re: Server crash error. - Dokins - 05.07.2016

I've tried that also but I'm not entirely sure.

Re: Server crash error. - Mencent - 05.07.2016

When you uncomment this function then your server don't crash? Or do your server crash?

Re: Server crash error. - Dokins - 05.07.2016

It still does, thanks for your help btw!