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[All skins cj] - Printable Version

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[All skins cj] - vikoo - 03.07.2016

Hi all, i have problem when login to my server All skins cj
photo in attachments help pls

Re: [All skins cj] - vikoo - 03.07.2016

what i do? pls answer guys

Re: [All skins cj] - Luis- - 03.07.2016

First thing you do is follow the rules.

Re: [All skins cj] - Dayrion - 03.07.2016

Can you show OnPlayerRequestClass ?

EDIT: Agree with -Luis. Don't bump your thread.

Re: [All skins cj] - oktokt1 - 03.07.2016

Search about AddPlayerClass and OnPlayeRequestClass that will help u

Re: [All skins cj] - WhiteGhost - 03.07.2016

Anyways did u even set another skin?