Ingame world time - Printable Version
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Ingame world time -
fuckingcruse - 02.07.2016
Hi, i tried toggling the world time. But it's something like, if i go esc the time pause, and then when i come from esc back in-game, it starts. I want the same time going for all. And 1 second = 2 rl seconds. I tried it, it didn't worked.
Re: Ingame world time -
Nero_3D - 02.07.2016
Originally Posted by
Time is not synced with other players! Time can be synced using SetPlayerTime
Basically you create a timer, increment a variable and update the clock
Also show us what you tried
Re: Ingame world time -
fuckingcruse - 02.07.2016
Ye sure, see this.
SetWorldTime(03); // As i want 03:00 as the world time when the game mode starts.
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1);
That's it. I tried a textdraw to make it myself, but couldn't. So, help me here pls. And even can you tell me how to read the time? Like we do GetPlayerPos to get pos, then how can i get the ingame time.
Re: Ingame world time -
Dayrion - 02.07.2016
Don't use TogglePlayerClock.
Time is not synced with other players! Time can be synced using SetPlayerTime.
new hour, min, sec;
gettime(hour, min, sec);
SetTimer("TimeUp", 1000, true);
PHP код:
public TimeUp()
new hour, min, sec;
gettime(hour, min, sec);;
if(min== 0 && sec== 0)
return 1;
Re: Ingame world time -
Nero_3D - 02.07.2016
I see no problem with TogglePlayerClock, its just unfortunate that there isn't a function to set the clock for all players
Using a textdraw instead would be a bit more effective (no need for the while loop)
PHP код:
// OnGameModeInit
SetTimerEx("Clock", 750, true, "i", gettime() - 3 * 60 * 2); // start at 3 o'clock
// OnPlayerSpawn ?
TogglePlayerClock(playerid, true);
forward Clock(start);
public Clock(start) {
const sec = 2;
diff = ((gettime() - start) / sec) % (60 * 24),
i = GetPlayerPoolSize(),
minute = diff % 60,
hour = diff / 60
while(i >= 0) {
SetPlayerTime(i--, hour, minute);
The problem is the update rate because we can't replicate 1 second exact, therefore I use a faster rate