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Plagin adapt to other operating systeim - Printable Version

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Plagin adapt to other operating systeim - Raimis_R - 28.06.2016

Hallo, i wan ask one question, me have plagin mysql.dll so iris any wai to compail plagin to the .so plagin? are it easy?

Re: Plugin - theYiin - 28.06.2016


Re: Plugin - Raimis_R - 28.06.2016

Originally Posted by theYiin
Посмотреть сообщение
iris any wai to make mysql.dll to i have lainux opereiting systeim on my computer centos, how me can compail plagin?

Re: Plugin - Konstantinos - 28.06.2016

Re: Plugin - Raimis_R - 28.06.2016


me have maj created plagin, invoked fanctions and so on.. so wat i have to know to adapt plagin to other operating systeim?

Re: Plugin - Vince - 28.06.2016

Are you intentionally trying to phrase your questions in broken English? Spell checkers do help. Linux plugins must be compiled on Linux.

Re: Plagin adapt to other operating systeim - Raimis_R - 28.06.2016

oo thanx me dont knew abaaut phrase fanctions, ty bro

Re: Plagin adapt to other operating systeim - AaronJ - 28.06.2016
Trolololol trololo trolololllll