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Problem with checking player zone. - Printable Version

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Problem with checking player zone. - andrejc999 - 25.06.2016

So guys I made an afk system and I want to add a zone in which player can be without getting kicked but it's not working for some reason..

Here is the code:

stock UAfkZoni(playerid) //If player is in the afk zone.
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
	if((x >= -1577.8689 && x <= -1553.8507) && (y >= 1508.7367 && y <= 1528.3945)) return 1;
	return 0;
Can someone help me? Thx

Re: Problem with checking player zone. - Macluawn - 25.06.2016

What exactly is not working?
Syntax looks okayish, but we're not mind readers over here.

Re: Problem with checking player zone. - andrejc999 - 25.06.2016


Re: Problem with checking player zone. - andrejc999 - 25.06.2016
