Hello! We can create an array of prices for all tuning details, so we can put a check at OnVehicleMod, like:
Alright, an optimization challenge. I like it. Will post back.
PHP Code:
stock GetComponentPrice(componentid)
static const COMPONENT_PRICES[] = {
400, 550, 200, 250, 100, 150, 80, 500, 200, 500
1000, 220, 250, 100, 400, 500, 200, 500, 350, 300
250, 200, 150, 350, 50, 1000, 480, 480, 770, 680
37, 370, 170, 120, 790, 150, 500, 690, 190, 390
500, 390, 1000, 500, 500, 510, 710, 670, 530, 810
620, 670, 530, 130, 210, 230, 520, 430, 620, 720
530, 180, 250, 430, 830, 850, 750, 250, 200, 550
450, 550, 450, 1000, 1030, 980, 1560, 1620, 1200, 1030
1000, 1230, 820, 1560, 1350, 770, 100, 1500, 150, 650
450, 100, 750, 350, 450, 350, 1000, 620, 1140, 1000
940, 780, 830, 3250, 1610, 1540, 780, 780, 780, 1610
1540, -1, -1, 3340, 3250, 2130, 2050, 2130, 780, 940
780, 940, 780, 860, 780, 1120, 3340, 3250, 3340, 1650
3380, 3290, 1590, 830, 800, 1500, 1000, 800, 580, 470
870, 980, 150, 150, 100, 100, 490, 600, 890, 1000
1090, 840, 910, 1200, 1030, 1030, 920, 930, 550, 1050
1050, 950, 650, 550, 450, 850, 950, 850, 950, 970
880, 990, 900, 950, 1000, 900, 1000, 900, 2050, 2150
2130, 2050, 2130, 2040, 2150, 2040, 2095, 2175, 2080, 2200
1200, 1040, 940, 1100
new index = componentid - 1000;
if(!(0 <= index < sizeof(COMPONENT_PRICES)))
return -1;
return COMPONENT_PRICES[index];
Not tested. I can't be held liable for any pricing error, I took them directly from the other script.