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Still error - Printable Version

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Still error - Micko123 - 14.06.2016

Sry if this is multi posting but i really need to fix this
PHP код:
YCMD:kupizlato(playeridparams[], help)
#pragma unused help
string[128], ammountcash ammount 300;
SCM(playerid,-1,"ES:RPG Pomoc | "SPLAVA"/kupizlato [Kolicina]");
SCM(playerid,-1,"ES:RPG Pomoc | "SPLAVA"Cijena grama je 300");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pZlato] += ammount;
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - cash);
format(stringsizeof(string), ""SPLAVA"Kupili ste "ZUTA"%d g zlata za "ZELENA"%d$"ammountcash);
SCM(playerid, -1string);
SCM(playerid, -1"[ES:RPG] "CRVENA"Niste na mjestu kupovine zlata!");

Code works fine with one error. It give me ammount of gold i want but it says that i bough it for 0$. How is that possible??

Re: Still error - Stinged - 14.06.2016

new string[128], ammount, cash = ammount * 300;
You're never actually setting cash to something other than 0 (cash = 0 * 300 = 0)

Re: Still error - Micko123 - 14.06.2016

then what should i do?? it should multyply ammount of gold with 300$ and take it away from buyer.

Re: Still error - Stinged - 14.06.2016

YCMD:kupizlato(playerid, params[], help) 
    #pragma unused help 
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1.0, 1696.5371,-1183.6985,23.8899)) 
        new ammount;
        if(sscanf(params, "i", ammount)) 
            SCM(playerid,-1,"ES:RPG Pomoc | "SPLAVA"/kupizlato [Kolicina]"); 
            SCM(playerid,-1,"ES:RPG Pomoc | "SPLAVA"Cijena grama je 300"); 
            return 1; 
            new string[128], cash = ammount * 300;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pZlato] += ammount; 
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - cash); 
            format(string, sizeof(string), ""SPLAVA"Kupili ste "ZUTA"%d g zlata za "ZELENA"%d$", ammount, cash); 
            SCM(playerid, -1, string); 
            return 1; 
        SCM(playerid, -1, "[ES:RPG] "CRVENA"Niste na mjestu kupovine zlata!"); 
        return 1; 

Re: Still error - Micko123 - 14.06.2016

so i just need to transfer it from up there to down here?

Re: Still error - Stinged - 14.06.2016

Yes, isn't it obvious?

Re: Still error - Micko123 - 14.06.2016

Thank you very much hehehe