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Pawn error 030, Help. - Printable Version

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Pawn error 030, Help. - iAssassin - 10.06.2016

So I am through my first TDM script and everything until now proceeded pretty well but at this point I got a problem.

Re: Pawn error 030, Help. - iKarim - 10.06.2016

try placing } after return 1;

Re: Pawn error 030, Help. - iAssassin - 10.06.2016

There are plenty of return 1.... which one... and replace this bracket with what

Re: Pawn error 030, Help. - Vince - 10.06.2016

"At the end of file". Really, how much guidance do you need?

Re: Pawn error 030, Help. - iAssassin - 10.06.2016

I don't know the shit out of this...



Should I remove the bracket ?? Still errors.... Please show some respect and don't blame, just give me an example.
EDIT: nvm found the mistake... thanks again