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Set air speed - Printable Version

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Set air speed - ScIrUsna - 10.06.2016


It's possible to set player air speed?

Re: Set air speed - TwinkiDaBoss - 10.06.2016

You mean falling speed or what?

Re: Set air speed - ScIrUsna - 10.06.2016

When you go with vehicle somewhere vehicle go slower somebody say me it's air speed it's different of place you are and maybe is dynamic change by GTA

or maybe simplier say air resistance

Re: Set air speed - justjamie - 10.06.2016

set your gravity.
/rcon gravity <INPUT>

so for example
/rcon gravity 0.008 (The default gravity)

Re: Set air speed - ScIrUsna - 10.06.2016

I'am talking only about vehicles

Re: Set air speed - justjamie - 10.06.2016

then clear up your question with proper english, otherwise i'm afraid we can't help you

Re: Set air speed - ScIrUsna - 10.06.2016

as the machines and the greater air resistance, the slower it goes? because there are certain places where you really as I said the machine is slower rides it's possible to manipulate it?

Re: Set air speed - PrO.GameR - 10.06.2016

There is no such thing as air speed in sa-mp, only surfaces with different properties, some slow vehicles down, some limit vehicle speed.