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sizeof - Welaurs - 08.06.2016

Hi all. I have
PHP код:
#define MAX_FRAC 5
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
1sizeof(fracCarMenti)+1i++) // cars LSPD
fracCars[0][i] = CreateVehicle(596fracCarMenti[i][0], fracCarMenti[i][1], fracCarMenti[i][2],   fracCarMenti[i][3], 016001);

I want to know size of fracCars[0] here is:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playeridnewstateoldstate)
modelid >= fracCars[0][0] && modelid <= sizeof(fracCars[0])) // LSPD cars

How I can do this?

Re: sizeof - Welaurs - 08.06.2016


Re: sizeof - Unte99 - 08.06.2016

Create a variable, then make a loop through all police cars and check if fracCars[0][i]!=0. If fracCars[0][i] is equal to 0, that means a that bit is holding an id for a police car. Then just add one value to the variable that you created at first. When the loop finishes, you will have the total number of existing police cars.