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nearest id's - Printable Version

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nearest id's - XaibBaba - 08.06.2016

for(new i=1; i<=MAX_FURNITURE; i++)
				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30, FurnitureInfo[i][fX], FurnitureInfo[i][fY], FurnitureInfo[i][fZ]) && FurnitureInfo[i][fLiftup] == false)
					new Smg[128];
					format(Smg, sizeof(Smg), "[Land ID: %d][Model: %d]\n", FurnitureInfo[i][fID], FurnitureInfo[i][fModel]);
					strcat(string, Smg);
	            	ShowPlayerRangeFurniture[playerid][id] = FurnitureInfo[i][fID];
	          		id ++;
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, Dialog_GetRangeFurniture, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "[Land Objects]", string, "Select","Close");
			return 1;
its showing only 10 nearest id's not all due to dialog box any idea to show all or any idea to add next in it