Detects if a object over the vehicle? - Printable Version
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Detects if a object over the vehicle? -
SetPlayerNameTag - 08.06.2016
I want to make a putgun system like LS-RP one but I have a problem, I don't know how to detect if the object over the vehicle. anyone help?
Sew_Sumi - 08.06.2016
That isn't what this section is for.
Re: Detects if a object over the vehicle? -
SetPlayerNameTag - 10.06.2016
Re: Detects if a object over the vehicle? -
Sew_Sumi - 10.06.2016
It's not you want to make, it's you want it made for you...
In which case, again, that's not what this section is for.
Re: Detects if a object over the vehicle? -
ilijap - 10.06.2016
use vars lol