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[mysql-Help] - ArianGubetini - 01.06.2016

Hello all.I got a RP GM from internet and want to use it for my server but I have a problem with it.It use a ban system based on mysql and when a player get banned,ban get saved on database.The problem is i dont have the ban table created and i dont know to to create it because i dont know much on mysql and databases.So i want from you guys to help me create that table(.sql file) then i will upload it to database.

Here is code:

Here it checks the database for bans:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
CheckDatabase define:

		new q[200];
		new playername[24];

		format(q, 200, "SELECT * FROM bans WHERE name = '%s' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", playername);

		new ip[16];
		GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
		format(q, 200, "SELECT * FROM bans WHERE ip = '%s' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", ip);
And here is how it inserts the "logs" on the datebase(from here you can see how to create table):
stock BanPlayer(playerid, giveplayerid, time, reason[])
	new name[24], namegive[24];
	if(playerid == 501) format(name, sizeof(name), "Squidward (Anti-Cheat)");
	else GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
	GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, namegive, sizeof(namegive));
	new curtime = gettime();
	new expire;
		expire = 1577836800;
		new Float:banminutes = time * 24 * 60 * 60;
		new bantime = floatround(banminutes);
		expire = curtime + bantime;
	new q[400];
	new ip[16];
	GetPlayerIp(giveplayerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
	format(q, sizeof(q), "INSERT INTO bans (name, reason, ban_time, issue_time, expiry_time, admin, ip) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s')", namegive, reason, time, curtime, expire, name, ip);
	mysql_query(q, THREAD_INSERT_BAN);
	new banid = mysql_insert_id();
	new string[128];
	format(STRING, "AdmCmd: %s was banned for %d days by %s: %s", GetPlayerNameEx(giveplayerid), time, GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), reason);
	format(STRING, "AdmCmd: %s was banned permanently by %s: %s", GetPlayerNameEx(giveplayerid), name, reason);
	SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
	format(STRING, "You were banned by Admin %s for %d days: %s", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), time, reason);
	format(STRING, "You were banned permanently by Admin %s: %s", name, reason);
	SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, 0x00FF00FF, string);
	new dialogstring[512];
	format(dialogstring, sizeof(dialogstring), "You have been banned from this server for the following reason:\n\n%s\n\nIf you think that this ban was in error, please go to http://Coming Soon! and appeal it.\nYou will need the following info to appeal the ban:\n\nBan ID: %d\nAdmin that banned you: %s\nReason of the ban: %s\n\n{00ff00}PLEASE TAKE A SCREENSHOT USING F8 RIGHT NOW, AND INCLUDE IT IN YOUR BAN APPEAL!", reason, banid, name, reason);
	ShowPlayerDialog(giveplayerid, 4564, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Banned!", dialogstring, "Close", "");
	SetTimerEx("SendToKick", 1500, 0, "i", giveplayerid);
	return 1;
Here it tells that you are banned:
public OnQueryFinish(query[], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle)
	new string2[164];
			if(mysql_num_rows() == 1)
					new banid, expiry, reason[64], admin[32], tmp[64];
					GET_INT(banid, "id");
					//GET_INT(bantime, "issue_time");
					//GET_INT(length, "ban_time");
					GET_INT(expiry, "expiry_time");
					GET_STR(reason, "reason");
					GET_STR(admin, "admin");
					new curtime = gettime();
					if(curtime < expiry)
						new ip[32];
						GetPlayerIp(extraid, ip, 32);
						format(ToBeKickedString[extraid], 512, "You have been banned from this server for the following reason:\n\n%s\nIf you believe this is a bug, simply relog and rejoin the server.\nIf you think that this ban was in error, please go to http:\\website here and appeal it.\nYou will need the following info to appeal the ban:\n\nBan ID: %d\nAdmin that banned you: %s\nReason of the ban: %s\nBan expiration: %s", reason, banid, admin, reason, expiry);
						format(string2, sizeof(string2), "{AA3333}AdmWarning{FFFF00}: %s (IP:%s) tried to login whilst banned and has been auto-banned.", GetPlayerNameEx( extraid ), ip);
						ABroadCast(COLOR_YELLOW, string2, 2);
      					ToBeKicked[extraid] = 1;
I created a table on the databse,it saves the bans there but it wont check when a banned player login.So the ban system is not working.Hope you can help me.
Thank You!

Re: [mysql-Help] - BR3TT - 01.06.2016

Inside the gamemode is there no query at all saying 'CREATE'? If yoj find any just copy and paste the whole thing into PhpMyAdmin under the SQL tab and it should create your database. You may have incorrectly setup the database

Re: [mysql-Help] - ArianGubetini - 01.06.2016

Originally Posted by BR3TT
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Inside the gamemode is there no query at all saying 'CREATE'? If yoj find any just copy and paste the whole thing into PhpMyAdmin under the SQL tab and it should create your database. You may have incorrectly setup the database
The database is all working with other things.All other files saves there(like jails,kills etc....).Inside the script there is a line that creates tables if it does not exist but it is not scripted to create this kind of tables inside the database and i checked all folders for this file but its not included.So all i want is someone create it for me.Thank you very much!