Color help -
TwinkiDaBoss - 26.05.2016
Alright so the issue is quite simple, seems that this wont actually work properly or maybe Im not inserting correct color. Im using Decimal colors
PHP код:
YCMD:setcolor(playerid,params[],help) {
if(help) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"This command is used to change your color in game by inerting certain HexDecimal color");
if(GetPlayerVIPLevel(playerid) < 2) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You are not VIP level 2+");
new decimalColor[15];
if(sscanf(params,"s[15]",decimalColor)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /setcolor [Decimal color code]");
new string[15];
ChangePlayerColour(playerid,decimalColor); // SQL stuff, dont worry about it
new val = strval(string);
SetPlayerColor(playerid, val);
return true;
Color code example: 3139487
that should be something like greenish type of color according to
but it turns out blue in game
Re: Color help -
justjamie - 26.05.2016
Yez, samp has custom color codes my friend.
I'll try to explain it to you.
FF9900 is hexidecimal for orange.
Add 0x before it and AA behind it.
0xFF9900AA here is your samp color.
So just enter 0xFF9900AA ingame, and you have a orange nametag.
Re: Color help -
TwinkiDaBoss - 26.05.2016
So for example red would be
Normal: FF0000
SA:MP 0xFF0000AA
EDIT: no matter what sort of coding I add/remove, seems that this wont work
PHP код:
stock GetPlayerColour(playerid) {
new string[25];
return string;
PHP код:
stock GetPlayerColour(playerid) {
new string[25];
return string;
Its still the same In game
PHP код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s [%s] %s: %s",GetPlayerColour(playerid),GetPlayerNickname(playerid),GetName(playerid),text);
It will print out the color code not the color. Aka colour of the message will stay the same
Re: Color help -
Dayrion - 26.05.2016
AA is an alpha value about transparency. Set FF instead of AA. Check this :
PHP код:
#define red 0xCC0000FF // RR GG BB AA.
#define redU "{CC0000}"
Re: Color help -
Konstantinos - 26.05.2016
Colors are integers so treat them as integers. "i" specifier in sscanf and decimalColor as an integer, then just:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerColor(playerid, (decimalColor << 8) | 0xFF);
I prefer using R G B as parameters though like "/setcolor 255 255 255" which is white. If you are interested in that method, use:
pawn Код:
#define RGB_COLOR(%0,%1,%2,%3) (((%0) << 24) | ((%1) << 16) | ((%2) << 8) | ((%3) << 0))
and set it as (assuming R, G and B are symbols defined and used in sscanf with "iii" specifiers):
pawn Код:
SetPlayerColor(playerid, RGB_COLOR(R, G, B, 255));
As for color embedding, use in arguments: color >>> 8 as shown
pawn Код:
format(..." ... {%06x} ...", GetPlayerColor(playerid) >>> 8, ...);
Re: Color help -
Stinged - 26.05.2016
Adding to what Konstantinos said, you could also use the 'h' or 'x' specifier in sscanf, which would be hex.
An example of a hex color: RRGGBBAA
Re: Color help -
TwinkiDaBoss - 26.05.2016
Thanks a bunch guys! It works with the RGB method! +rep