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Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Printable Version

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Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - BornHuman - 24.05.2016

I've persevered from my previous issue but now there's a new one. One with ID's. Because I'm working with three different ID's here, it's sort of difficult to pinpoint which one I should be using where. I'm working with the ROW when I load from MySQL, the DB ID of the vehicle, and the VID in game.

This is my load function: Rows are starting at zero bear in mind.

PHP код:
forward InitiateVehicles();
rowrow MAX_DYN_VEHICLESrow++)
Vehicle[row][VehicleDatabaseID] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"id"SQL);       
Vehicle[row][Model] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Model"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][0] = cache_get_field_content_float(row"X"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][1] = cache_get_field_content_float(row"Y"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][2] = cache_get_field_content_float(row"Z"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][3] = cache_get_field_content_float(row"A"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehicleVW] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"VW"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehicleInt] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Int"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehicleColour][0] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Colour1"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehicleColour][1] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Colour2"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehicleGroup] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Group"SQL);
Vehicle[row][Siren] = cache_get_field_content_int(row"Siren"SQL);
Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][0] != 0.00000 && Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][1] != 0.00000 && Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][2] != 0.00000)
Vehicle[row][VehID] = CreateVehicle(Vehicle[row][Model], Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][0], Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][1], Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][2], Vehicle[row][VehiclePos][3], Vehicle[row][VehicleColour][0], Vehicle[row][VehicleColour][1], -1Vehicle[row][Siren]);
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(Vehicle[row][VehID], Vehicle[row][VehicleVW]);
LinkVehicleToInterior(Vehicle[row][VehID], Vehicle[row][VehicleInt]);
printf("%d | %d | %d"rowVehicle[row][VehicleDatabaseID], Vehicle[row][VehID]);
0printf("[SCRIPT-LOAD/ERR] The script initiated 0 vehicles."vehicles);
printf("[SCRIPT-LOAD] The script has initiated %d vehicles"vehicles);

This successfully creates vehicles and the print that I put in looks like this for the two cars I have created: (I've laid it out in a table)

pawn Код:
[18:53:18] 0 | 1 | 1
Perfect, it does what it's suppose to do. But when I do /editvehicle 1 spawn (which is designed to move vehicle ID 1's spawn and save it's new location) it moves vehicle ID 2, and saves it's coordinates to DBID 2 in the database. The possible issues I'm having are probably with wrongly used ID's somewhere in the /editvehicle command.

Here you go: (I'll only show the 'spawn' option just to spare you a headache.)

PHP код:
idusage[16], amount;
Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 5)
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"USAGE: /editvehicle [id] [usage] [(optional) amount]");
SendClientMessage(playeridGREY"Usages: spawn, colour(1-2), group, delete");
    else if(
Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 5)
id || id MAX_VEHICLES) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"That is not a valid vehicle ID!");
Vehicle[id][VehicleDatabaseID] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"That is not a valid dynamic vehicle ID!");
0] = 0;
strcmp(usage"spawn"true) == 0)
GetPlayerPos(playeridPos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][0] = Pos[0];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][1] = Pos[1];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][2] = Pos[2];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][3] = Pos[3];
Vehicle[id][VehicleVW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
Vehicle[id][VehicleInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
format(Array, sizeof(Array), "You have moved the spawn of vehicle %d"id);
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE, Array);
format(Array, sizeof(Array), "[/EDITVEHICLE] %s has moved the spawn of vehicle %d to X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f"GetName(playerid), idPos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"USAGE: /editvehicle [id] [usage] [(optional) amount]");
SendClientMessage(playeridGREY"Usages: spawn, colour(1-2), group, delete");
Log(4, Array);
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You are not authorized to preform this command.");

Any reason why the ID's are getting mismatched and confused?

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Jefff - 24.05.2016

because rows starts from 0 not 1 so you need use [id - 1]

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - BornHuman - 24.05.2016

Originally Posted by Jefff
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because rows starts from 0 not 1 so you need use [id - 1]
Thank you! It works! But would I have to do this every time I want to mess with my dynamic vehicle system or could I just make it so the ID is 'corrected' when they initiate?

Edit: Also, say I have an admin spawned vehicle (different from a dynamic vehicle) that is occupying slot 1. I also have a dynamic vehicle occupying slot 2. If I delete the admin spawned vehicle, and then use the command /editvehicle, my dynamic vehicle will respawn to ID 1. I just tested this in game, but the script still thinks it has ID 2.

Here's my respawn function:

PHP код:

Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][0] != 0.00000 && Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][1] != 0.00000 && Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][2] != 0.00000
Vehicle[id][VehID] = CreateVehicle(Vehicle[id][Model], Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][0], Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][1], Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][2], Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][3], Vehicle[id][VehicleColour][0], Vehicle[id][VehicleColour][1], -1Vehicle[id][Siren]); 
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(Vehicle[id][VehID], Vehicle[id][VehicleVW]); 
LinkVehicleToInterior(Vehicle[id][VehID], Vehicle[id][VehicleInt]); 

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Jefff - 24.05.2016

Here must be too (id-1)

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - BornHuman - 24.05.2016

Originally Posted by Jefff
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Here must be too (id-1)
It is:

PHP код:
else if(Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 5)
id || id MAX_VEHICLES) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"That is not a valid vehicle ID!");
Vehicle[id][VehID] > 1) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"That is not a valid dynamic vehicle ID!");
0] = 0;
id id 1// Here we subtract the ID the player put into the command.
if(strcmp(usage"spawn"true) == 0)
IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You must be in a vehicle to edit the spawn!");
GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Pos[3]);
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][0] = Pos[0];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][1] = Pos[1];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][2] = Pos[2];
Vehicle[id][VehiclePos][3] = Pos[3];
Vehicle[id][VehicleVW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
Vehicle[id][VehicleInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
format(Array, sizeof(Array), "You have moved the spawn of vehicle %d"id 1);
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE, Array);
format(Array, sizeof(Array), "[/EDITVEHICLE] %s has moved the spawn of vehicle %d to X: %f, Y: %f, Z: %f"GetName(playerid), id 1Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"USAGE: /editvehicle [id] [usage] [(optional) amount]");
SendClientMessage(playeridGREY"Usages: spawn, colour(1-2), group, delete");
Log(4, Array);
RespawnVehicle(id); // Here we respawn that ID.

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Jefff - 24.05.2016

but id is 0 ( slot 1 ) Vehicle[id][VehID] so i dont understand you

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - BornHuman - 25.05.2016

Originally Posted by Jefff
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but id is 0 ( slot 1 ) Vehicle[id][VehID] so i dont understand you
Say I have an NRG that is ID 1, it is not a dynamic vehicle. I have a sultan that is ID 2, it is a dynamic vehicle. I delete the NRG and respawn the sultan. The sultan is now ID 1, but the server still thinks it's ID 2. if I edit ID 1, it will update in the database but not respawn the car. If I edit ID 2, it won't update in the database but it will respawn the car.

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Jefff - 25.05.2016

Show how you create this nrg and destroy

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - BornHuman - 25.05.2016

Originally Posted by Jefff
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Show how you create this nrg and destroy
PHP код:
Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 2
sscanf(params"iD(0)D(0)"vehiclecolour[0], colour[1])) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"SYNTAX: /spawnvehicle [model] [(optional) colour] [(optional) colour]");
        else if(!(
400 <= vehicle <= 611)) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You specified an invalid model ID. (IDs start at 400, and end at 611).");
        else if(!(
<= colour[0] <= 255 && <= colour[1] <= 255)) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You specified an invalid colour ID. (IDs start at 0, and end at 255).");
        else for(new 
isizeof(AdminVehicles); i++) if(>= MAX_ADMIN_VEHICLES) return SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"The maximum limit of 50 spawned vehicles has been reached.");
        else if(
AdminVehicles[i] == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID
GetPlayerPos(playeridPos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
AdminVehicles[i] = CreateVehicle(vehiclePos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[3], colour[0], colour[1], -1);
LinkVehicleToInterior(AdminVehicles[i], GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
SetVehicleVirtualWorld(AdminVehicles[i], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You have successfully created a vehicle.");
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You are not authorized to use that command.");

PHP код:
Player[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 4
0sizeof(AdminVehicles); i++) 
AdminVehicles[i] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID
AdminVehicles[i] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You have successfully destroyed all administrative spawned vehicles.");
SendClientMessage(playeridWHITE"You are not authorized to preform this command.");

Re: Vehicle ID Issue (REP+) - Jefff - 25.05.2016

All what you need to save is databaseID ( Vehicle[row][VehicleDatabaseID] DID ) not vehicleID ( Vehicle[id][VehID] VID )