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Login screen attempt tries - Printable Version

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Login screen attempt tries - Johny32 - 24.05.2016

Tittle is clear, so I made a script it requires the user to login everything works fine!

The problem is, let's say that I type the wrong password, my server will kick me I want to make some wrong password attempt tries so the user gets kicked after 3 wrong tries!

I can post any codes that you may need and I will rep the best answer ty.

Re: Login screen attempt tries - Stinged - 24.05.2016

new gAttempts[MAX_PLAYERS]; // A global array to store how many attempts the player has had

// When the player enters his password
    gAttempts[playerid]++; // Adds 1 to the attempts count
    If (gAttempts[playerid] == 3) return Kick(playerid); // If the attempts equal 3, it kicks
    ShowPlayerDialog(Your incorrect dialog here)
Don't forget to reset gAttempts[playerid] (set it to 0) when the player connects or disconnects.

Re: Login screen attempt tries - oMa37 - 24.05.2016

PHP код:
// Top of script
new Attempts [MAX_PLAYERS];
// In your code 
Attempts [playerid] == 3) {
Attempts[playerid] = 0;

Re: Login screen attempt tries - Johny32 - 24.05.2016

Thanks both of these work fine, repped ya guys for your fast support!