Weapon AntiCheat Help - Printable Version
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Weapon AntiCheat Help -
MoemenWalid - 23.05.2016
Hello, Currently my server got a weapon anticheat that bans anyone using weapon hack in any S0BIET.
but when someone uses weapon hack (cleo) he can easily spawn a weapon and kill.
here's the cleo. ugbase.eu/Thread-Weapon-cheat-0-3-7-by-me
Now my problem is anyone can get IG and use it to kill people. I just tried it, simply when you aim on someone the weapon gets spawned until you stop aiming , I 'd like any idea how to begin on an anticheat for it.
Re: Weapon AntiCheat Help -
MoemenWalid - 23.05.2016
I just read that.
"to use it you have to activate the cheat and choose a weapon, when you aim, onfoot data will disabled and give you the weapon, when you release aim key, the weapon will disappear and enable again onfoot data, they will see you AFK"
So It means that the server cant detect them.
I need a include that detects if the player is pausing and I'd make it on player take damage if that player is pausing then it returns to 0 and admin alert!
Re: Weapon AntiCheat Help -
Vince - 23.05.2016
Well, the player is obviously still sending
some data to the server. I would say keep an inventory of all weapons a player is supposed to have. A bit of clever hooking in GivePlayerWeapon shouldn't make this too hard.
In the OnPlayerWeaponShot, OnPlayerGiveDamage and/or OnPlayerTakeDamage callbacks - which are supposedly still activated - check if the reported weapon is within the player's inventory. If it isn't then the weapon has likely been hacked in.
Re: Weapon AntiCheat Help -
SecretBoss - 23.05.2016
I also faced the same problem on my server. As Vince mentions the damage passes from some callbacks like OnPlayerWeaponShot, OnPlayerGiveDamage and OnPlayerTakeDamage from a param, you can use this param to put your check there