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Merge to stocks together for ranks - Printable Version

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Merge to stocks together for ranks - CSLangdale - 22.05.2016

stock GetAdminRank(playerid)
	new arank[64];
		case 99999: arank = "Community Owner";
        case 99998: arank = "Co-Community Owner";
		case 1337: arank = "Management";
		case 4: arank = "Head Admin";
		case 3: arank = "General Admin";
		case 2: arank = "Junior Admin";
		case 1: arank = "Server Moderator";
		case 0: arank = "Player";
	return arank;

stock GetAdvisorRank(playerid)
	new carank[64];
		case 4: carank = "Chief Advisor";
		case 3: carank = "Senior Advisor";
		case 2: carank = "General Advisor";
		case 1: carank = "Trial Advisor";
		case 0: carank = "Player";
	return carank;
Can someone help me? i would like to merge these to into one stock so i can use one stock to show if a player has an admin rank or advisor rank in a chat....

format(string, sizeof(string), "%s %s : %s", GetAdminRank(playerid), GetName(playerid), text);
Theres my current line i want to change the GetAdminRank part so it can check for admin or advisor rank...

Re: Merge to stocks together for ranks - Kaliber - 22.05.2016

You can do sth like this:

PHP код:
format(stringsizeof(string), "%s %s : %s", (pInfo[playerid][Communityadvisor]==0)?(GetAdminRank(playerid)):(GetAdvisorRank(playerid)), GetName(playerid), text);