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I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - Printable Version

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I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - aunzconcept - 20.05.2016

I want to Fs for Hide admin

It's mean to become invisible all Character All maps

I am ghost

thanks a lot. (I am Stupid for english so sorry)

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - BiosMarcel - 20.05.2016

Wrong section and you can't become invisible, you can only change virtualWorlds

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - aunzconcept - 20.05.2016

If I come in my server but when everyone touch on "Tab" they are not see me.

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - MBilal - 20.05.2016

You can only hide your self in map not from tab.

You can hide yourself from /admins list.

You can change name temporary to hide name.

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - Dayrion - 20.05.2016

« Would help if you handed out some code to aid in making this command, but you know, Scripting Help isn't really for making you a command...
But if someone was going to be kind, then they'd need some basis to go on, rather than nothing and guess everything. » - Sew_Suni
This way it's a filterscript, not a command.
Anyway, you can't be hide from TAB or be a "ghost" like you said. Or.. You can spectate player ?

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - Noris - 20.05.2016

I guess change your name to [NPC] NameHere?

lol glad i helped you

Re: I want to Filterscript for Hide admin [come in] - Sithis - 20.05.2016

Just use a different username as "UC" admin, and make sure that that player isn't shown in any /admins command.