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Random Player from Team - Printable Version

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Random Player from Team - XStreeter - 15.05.2016

Hello i want to create a Random System
I want to choose someone random from TEAM_HUMAN.
This team is Defined
I just want to se an variable from 0-1 (newteam = 1

Re: Random Player from Team - XStreeter - 15.05.2016


Re: Random Player from Team - oMa37 - 15.05.2016

Didn't really understand what u want, But something like this?
PHP код:
stock RandomPlaya()
random Random(MAX_PLAYERS);

and use it like this:

PHP код:
new randomplayer RandomPlaya();
SetPlayerArmour(randomplayer100); // this is example 

Re: Random Player from Team - NaS - 15.05.2016

Originally Posted by oMa37
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Didn't really understand what u want, But something like this?
PHP код:
stock RandomPlaya()
random Random(MAX_PLAYERS);

and use it like this:

PHP код:
new randomplayer RandomPlaya();
SetPlayerArmour(randomplayer100); // this is example 
You should add some checks to see if there even is someone in that team, else it will be an infinite loop.
Furthermore why get a random number from range 1000 if the highest connected human ID is for example 5?
It can theoretically take a very long time until a valid number is found. Practically this may never happen but still it's possible.

Re: Random Player from Team - Nin9r - 16.05.2016

If you want to make a command to split all the players in 2 teams try it:

new Team1 = 0;
new Team2 = 0;
                             if(Team1 < Team2)
						Team1 += 1;
					    Team2+= 1;

Re: Random Player from Team - Vince - 16.05.2016

Use foreach and create custom iterators for the teams. Then use Iter_Random. This is by far the most reliable way. A do-while loop might also work but it is not as efficient and there's a chance it may hang the server if no players are found.