Alright, for those who don't know, you can write your gamemodes ( or codes ) for samp in C/C++ using Zeex's GDK.
In this tutorial i would be teaching you basics of C++, which you can implement in your gamemodes.
A class is a user defined data type, a class can hold data members and member functions, with their access specifier.
By default a class's access specifier is Private.
A class is terminated by a semi column ";"
PHP Code:
class test
class members and member functiins;
Access Specifiers.
These declare the visiblity of the members of a user defined data type.
Private members can not be accessed by anything other than a friend( will come back to this later) or a member of that class.
Protected members has the same visiblity as that of a private one, but the difference lies in inheritance ( will be discussed later).
Public members can be accessed by other members of the class.
An object is an instance of a class, or a variable of a class.
PHP Code:
class TEST
int a;
int main()
TEST ob;
Accessing member functions or member data from an object.
To access a function in a class using an object, we can use the object with a dot "." and then the function name.
PHP Code:
class TEST
public:int a;
void hello()
cout<<"Hello world\n";
int main()
TEST obj;
obj.a=1;//initializes the value of a as 1
obj.hello()//prints Hello world on the terminal.
Scope resolution operator"::"
Expanding functions outside the class
A scope resolution operator is "::".It can be used to expand member function outside the class
PHP Code:
class A
public:void print();
void A::print()
cout<<"Hello world";
Friend Functions
A friend function is an external function which can be declared friend to a class.The friend function can access private, protected as well as the public members of the class it is a friend to.
A friend function is not a member of the class it is declared a friend to.
PHP Code:
class A
int a=10;
public:friend int frnd(A);//
int frnd(A x)
return A.a;
int main()
A ob1;
int x;
x=ob1.frnd();//x = 10
Friend Classes
A class can be declared as a friend to another class, this class can thus access the member functions and member data of the class declared friend to.
NOTE: if class B is a friend to class A, does not mean that class A is a friend to class B.
PHP Code:
class A
void out()
friend class B;
class B
public:void output()
out();//accessing the out() function of the class A in class B
int main()
B ob1;
ob1.output();//prints Hello