[FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 06.01.2009
Hello all.
I made a simple IRC filterscript, you can use it together with Jacob's IRC Plugin.
Player Commands:
!imsg <send message to server>
!igetid <get a players id based on nickname>
Admin Commands:
!iban <ban a player with optional reason>
!ikick <kick a player with optional reason>
!islap <slap a player with optional reason>
!ikill <kill a player with optional reason>
!isay <send message to the server as admin>
!ipause <pause the echo, !pause again to unpause>
It looks something like this:
(07:27:46) —› join: (SneakyBOT) (SneakyBOT@1337)
(07:27:46) (SneakyBOT) Your custom initialize message here :)
(07:27:46) (SneakyBOT) [NB]Sneaky joined the server.
(07:27:46) (SneakyBOT) [8] [NB]Sneaky: asd
(07:28:12) (~Sneaky) !igetid sneak
(07:28:13) (SneakyBOT) Matches: [NB]Sneaky(0)
(07:28:17) (~Sneaky) !ikill 0 noob
(07:28:18) (SneakyBOT) Admin Sneaky (ID: -1) killed [NB]Sneaky (ID:0) Reason: noob
(07:28:22) (SneakyBOT) [NB]Sneaky died.
(07:28:29) (SneakyBOT) [8] [NB]Sneaky: :(
(07:28:39) (~Sneaky) !islap 0 noob
(07:28:41) (SneakyBOT) Admin Sneaky (ID: -1) slapped [NB]Sneaky (ID:0) Reason: noob
(07:29:15) (SneakyBOT) [8] [NB]Sneaky: NO U
(07:29:16) (~Sneaky) !isay NO U
(07:29:17) (SneakyBOT) >> Admin from IRC Sneaky: NO U
(07:29:17) (SneakyBOT) [8] [NB]Sneaky: NO U
(07:29:20) (~Sneaky) !imsg NO U
(07:29:21) (SneakyBOT) >> Player from IRC Sneaky: NO U
(07:29:29) (SneakyBOT) [8] [NB]Sneaky: no u
(07:29:35) (~Sneaky) !IKICK 0 NO U
(07:29:36) (SneakyBOT) Admin Sneaky (ID: -1) kicked [NB]Sneaky (ID:0) Reason: NO U
(07:29:36) (SneakyBOT) [NB]Sneaky has left the server. (Kicked)
(07:30:09) —› quit: (SneakyBOT) (SneakyBOT@1337) (Quit: Your Custom Quit Message Here :))
It's 'highly' customizeble:
Originally Posted by ircfs.pwn
// Setup settings here
#define IRC_SERVER "" // IRC Server (e.g irc.gtanet.com)
#define IRC_PORT 6667 // Set the IRC port (default 6667)
// Uncomment line 39 if you want to use 2 bots, uncomment line 40 if you want to use 3 bots
#define IRC_AMOUNT1 true
//#define IRC_AMOUNT2 true
//#define IRC_AMOUNT3 true
// Put the names of your irc bot's here (Note: not every bot can have the same name)
#define IRC_ECHO_BOT1 ""
#define IRC_ECHO_BOT2 ""
#define IRC_ECHO_BOT3 ""
// #channel is the channel you want to echo in game chat in, change it.
#define IRC_ECHO_CHAN "#channel"
// If your bot names are registered put a password here to identify them with
#define IRC_PASSWORD "password"
// Set the IRC join delay (1000 = 1 second), set to 0 if you dont want to use it
// (IF bot has a vHost then set this to 5000 ELSE it wont show the vHost on channel join)
#define IRC_JOIN_DELAY 0
#define IRC_QUIT_MSG "Your Custom Quit Message Here :)"
#define IRC_AUTH_MSG "Your custom your not authorized message here :)"
#define IRC_INTI_MSG1 "Your custom initialize message here :)"
#define IRC_INTI_MSG2 "Your custom initialize message here :)"
#define IRC_INTI_MSG3 "Your custom initialize message here :)"
I tested everything and it should all work 100%, report any bugs here please & dont remove credits - that's all I ask.
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
KnooL - 06.01.2009
Nice, gonna try this on ma' server.
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 07.01.2009
Originally Posted by knool
Nice, gonna try this on ma' server.
Ok cool, any bugs found?
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 07.01.2009
Maby its a nice idea to make some more commands in it like Explode, eject, freeze ,mute etc etc?
its just a suggestion dont feel forced at all to make it
its nice anyway , i like the pause function
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 07.01.2009
(22:22:09) (hipy`) !imsg test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 07.01.2009
Originally Posted by hipy
Maby its a nice idea to make some more commands in it like Explode, eject, freeze ,mute etc etc?
its just a suggestion dont feel forced at all to make it
its nice anyway , i like the pause function
I might add more commands.
Originally Posted by hipy
(22:22:09) (hipy`) !imsg test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
(22:22:10) (IlikeFish) >> Player from IRC hipy`: test
Should be fixed.
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 08.01.2009
first: this is sneaky's script open your own topic for you script
second: its in czech and no one can understand that
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 08.01.2009
btw sneaky:
(10:10:24) (~hipy) !imsg test
(10:10:25) (iLoveFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
it now uses random bots but it still displays the message 3times
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 08.01.2009
Originally Posted by hipy
btw sneaky:
(10:10:24) (~hipy) !imsg test
(10:10:25) (iLoveFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
it now uses random bots but it still displays the message 3times
Hmmm, does it work with 2 bots?
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hamptonin - 08.01.2009
excellent work i go use this
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
Kriztian - 08.01.2009
Is your easy to install then all the other sh... bad ones?
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 08.01.2009
dude this is all the same plugin there is no such thing that it sucks
and @ sneaky you use tstring
maby is better to make ircsay ( randombot ( ), chan )
and then the randombot to choose between bot 1 2 and 3
little example:
stock RandomBot()
Rgen = random(3);
case 0:RBot = EchoConnection;
case 1: RBot = EchoConnection2;
case 2:RBot = EchoConnection3;
default: RBot=EchoConnection;
return RBot;
my part isnt optimal it does bot 1, bot 1, bot 2 ,bot 2 or realy mixed
i know bots who realy do bot 1 bot 2 bot 3 bot 1 etc
but its just an idea
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 12.01.2009
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 13.01.2009
Originally Posted by hipy
Originally Posted by Sneaky*
Originally Posted by hipy
btw sneaky:
(10:10:24) (~hipy) !imsg test
(10:10:25) (iLoveFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
(10:10:25) (iLickFish) >> Player from IRC hipy: test
it now uses random bots but it still displays the message 3times
Hmmm, does it work with 2 bots?
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 13.01.2009
no it doesnt o0 it just displays the message 2times
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
Chaprnks - 13.01.2009
Does all 3 bots work successfully? I have recently tried getting all 3 bots to load but only 1 and 2 say messages, 3 has a hard time loading a echo message.
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 14.01.2009
set the define timer to 1000, its a bug in the include
a timer of 1000 will do
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
-Sneaky- - 14.01.2009
Hmm, I'll look into it today
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
Grove - 14.01.2009
Nice work! Shame that Jacobs IRC Plugin is unstable, especially on a gmx, it often causes server crashes. I prefer xSockets :]
Re: [FS] IRC Filterscript -
hipy - 14.01.2009
The callbacks of jacobs are good to use, and also i dont realy see problems with gmx. at me it works fine. its just the whole script ( i now use an other script ) that on unloading/gmx crashes my server