[13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full! [13:56:32] SQLitei Warning: (db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full!
CheckServer(); // Y_INI, ignore
for(new c; c < MAX_FACTIONS; c++)
for(new c; c < MAX_DEALERSHIPS; c++)
for(new c; c < MAX_IMPOUNDS; c++)
LoadDynamicMapIcons(); // Not SQLite ignore
LoadDynamicDoors(); // Not SQLite ignore
LoadGates(); // Not SQLite ignore
for(new c; c < MAX_HOUSES; c++)
for(new c; c < MAX_ARRESTS; c++)
stock LoadHouses(i)
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `id` = %d", i);
dbresult = db_query(database, query);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "owner", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[i][hOwner], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "address", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[i][hAddress], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "forsale", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][hForSale] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "price", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][hPrice] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "x", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "y", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "z", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "a", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ix", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ia", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hox", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoa", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "interior", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInterior] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorint", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseExteriorInt] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorvw", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseExteriorVW] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "locked", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseLocked] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "money", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseMoney] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sx", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][2] = floatstr(field);
return 1;
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses`);
dbresult = db_query(database, query);
new rows = db_num_rows(dbresult);
for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if(i > MAX_HOUSES) {
printf(" ERROR: Maximum houses value is %d but houses rows found are | %d |",MAX_HOUSES,rows);
// simple script to avoid loading houses which are more than MAX_HOUSES value
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "owner", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[i][hOwner], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "address", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[i][hAddress], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "forsale", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][hForSale] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "price", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][hPrice] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "x", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "y", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "z", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "a", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][housePos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ix", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ia", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInt][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hox", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoa", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseObjectPos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "interior", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseInterior] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorint", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseExteriorInt] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorvw", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseExteriorVW] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "locked", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseLocked] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "money", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseMoney] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sx", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[i][houseStore][2] = floatstr(field);
return 1;
- Adds console variable 'db_logging'. Logs sqlite db_* function errors to the main server_log. |
db_logging 1
Your loading house is too slow and bad :c there're so faster & better way I could optimaze it for you when I get to my pc.... btw I think your problem answer's here
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=303682&page=15 EDIT: Here we go about your house load now you just need a simple call for it, Example: OnGameModeInit we write LoadHouses(); and boom they will be loaded successfully [ this new script should be a lot faster than your old one, with less lag.... you can do a speed test ![]() PHP код:
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570635 |
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses`);
dbresult = db_query(database, query);
new rows = db_num_rows(dbresult),meid[10],idid;
for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if(i > MAX_HOUSES) {
printf(" ERROR: Maximum houses value is %d but houses rows found are | %d |",MAX_HOUSES,rows);
// simple script to avoid loading houses which are more than MAX_HOUSES value
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "id", meid, sizeof(meid)); idid = strval(meid);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "owner", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[idid][hOwner], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "address", field, sizeof(field)); format(HouseInfo[idid][hAddress], 92, field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "forsale", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][hForSale] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "price", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][hPrice] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "x", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][housePos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "y", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][housePos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "z", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][housePos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "a", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][housePos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ix", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseInt][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseInt][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "iz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseInt][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "ia", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseInt][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hox", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseObjectPos][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseObjectPos][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseObjectPos][2] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "hoa", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseObjectPos][3] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "interior", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseInterior] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorint", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseExteriorInt] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "exteriorvw", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseExteriorVW] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "locked", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseLocked] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "money", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseMoney] = strval(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sx", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseStore][0] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sy", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseStore][1] = floatstr(field);
db_get_field_assoc(dbresult, "sz", field, sizeof(field)); HouseInfo[idid][houseStore][2] = floatstr(field);
return 1;
It's because of memory leaks, yes. You could modify the size of gs_adbrAutoFreeResults until the errors stop (that's a good start if you need it fixed quickly).
DB::Warning("(db_autofree_result) The autofree pool is full!");