GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
rootcause - 10.05.2016
Ever wanted guns but there were no Ammu-Nations nearby? With the help of technology, gun vending machines are a thing now!
(video contains loud explosion sound, you may want to mute it)
Dynamic Machines: You can create GVMs and edit or remove them in-game.
Dynamic Listing: Weapon categories and weapons are fully dynamic and can be controlled in-game with a few commands and dialogs.
Easy to Use: You can do everything within a few clicks and a few keystrokes as you can see in the video.
/weapons: Brings up weapon categories(if there are any added), then you can purchase guns from there.
RCON Only:
GVMs Related:
/createmachine - Creates a GVM on your location.
/editmachine [id] - Allows you to edit specified GVM.
/removemachine [id] - Allows you to remove specified GVM.
Categories Related:
/createcategory - Brings up category creation dialog, you can write a category name and press Create to create a new category.
/renamecategory - Brings up categories, you can choose a category from there to rename it.
/removecategory - Brings up categories, you can choose a category from there to remove it. Any weapons on that category will also get removed.
Weapons Related:
/addweapon - Brings up weapons dialog, you can choose a weapon from there and specify its ammo and price, then you choose a category to finish adding a new weapon.
/removeweapon - Brings up categories, you can choose a category from there and every weapon on that category will be listed, then you can choose the weapon you want to remove.
Slice for
SQLite Improved
Incognito for
Streamer Plugin
Yashas for
Improved ZCMD
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
Fairuz - 10.05.2016
Good job!
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
Max_Andolini - 10.05.2016
Hoydaaa haber vermiyon krdş eline sağlık
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
Crystallize - 10.05.2016
rootcause and his ideas ftw...
Yet another great release by you
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
BMiller - 10.05.2016
Best Greek scripter ever
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
Logic_ - 10.05.2016
You're a fucking genious! oh wait, my words can not even define your works and you. Awesome releases, ideas and yes, the avatars, they are hot... <3
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
thesuperuser - 10.05.2016
This is good man!
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
iSteve - 10.05.2016
Good script mate, you really are creative!
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
Radio - 10.05.2016
Nice one man, keep up the good work!
Re: GVMs - Gun Vending Machines -
PrO.GameR - 10.05.2016
Don't really like the idea of buying weaps from vending machines, at least for RP servers tho, but since you are a POI fan and wrote a quite awesome house system I guess this is as nice as that code-wise so you deserve a rep
. GJ.