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IRC Scripting Help.. - Naresh - 28.04.2016


for eg this code

IRCCMD:warn(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
	new playerid, reason[64];
	if (sscanf(params, "dS(No reason.)[64]", playerid, reason))
		return 1;
    if (IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user))
			new msg[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
			format(msg, sizeof(msg), "*** %s has been warned by Staff Member %s on IRC for reason: %s", pname, user, reason);
			IRC_GroupSay(groupID, channel, msg);
			format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{00FF00}[IRC]{FFFFFF}%s Has warned %s for reason: %s", user, pname, reason);
			SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00C8, msg);
			//Simple warn by NoahF. :)
	return 1;
in this it is said "if (IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user))" does it means only OP or OP SOP Owner can use it ? can can u help me by telling wat is SOP OP HOP VOP ? thx

Re: IRC Scripting Help.. - Naresh - 28.04.2016

Hello i found wat is OP SOP HOP VOP but in the script wat should i right to to make the line to SOP ?
(IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user) - op... and (IRC_IsVoice(botid, channel, user) is for Voice

Re: IRC Scripting Help.. - itsCody - 28.04.2016

When I use IRC, I use the ranks depending on their Admin level in-game

- Voice: 0
- Half OP: Level 1
- OP: level 2
- Admin: 3
- Owner: 4

Voice would get stuff like pm, msg/say, (no admin abilities/powers at all)
Half OP would get basic shit like warn, kick, mute, etc
Ops would get the stuff HOP has but with ban, unban, etc
Admins would get the above but with the ability to whitelist add/remove, set their levels, etc
Owners would get the above, along with the rcon command, etc

Commands like warn should just go to HOP if you're doing ranking similar to that. If not, give it to OP.

Re: IRC Scripting Help.. - Naresh - 28.04.2016

well is to add HOP and SOP wats the code line..



Re: IRC Scripting Help.. - Naresh - 28.04.2016

nvm i found it thx!