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Help With PayDay - Printable Version

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Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016

if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 3)
//new Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
Tax += TaxValue;//Shorld work for every player online
new Aleatoriedade = random(2000);
new Aleatoriedade2 = random(9999);
if(Aleatoriedade < 10000) Aleatoriedade += Aleatoriedade2;
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] -= TaxValue;
new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pSalario]*Aleatoriedade;
new ebill = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]*1000;
new Febill = random(1500);
new PGLT = random(300000);
if(PGLT < 100000) PGLT += 100000;
if(checks > 200000) checks = Aleatoriedade;
if(checks < 30000) checks += 30000;
if(checks < 0) checks = 100000;
GiveDinheiro(i, checks);
GiveDinheiro(i, -TaxValue);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] > 0)
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] -= ebill;
SBizzInfo[4][sbTill] += ebill;
PLO += ebill;
ebill = 0;
Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pConta]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1185, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//SgD = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]*1000;
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] = Conta+interest;
//PlayerInfo[i][pConta] = Conta+SgD;
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "» |_____ Recibo de Pagamento _____|");
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Salario:{33FF00} R$%d {B4B5B7}Imposto: {FF0000}-R$%d", checks, TaxValue);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Medico: {FF0000}-R$300");
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPHousekey] != 500 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Energia [%s]: {FF0000}-R$%d ", SBizzInfo[4][sbMessage], ebill);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
PMH += Febill;
PDU += Febill;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPFazkey] != 255)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Poзo d'agua: {FF0000}-R$%d", ebill);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
PME += Febill;
PDU += Febill;
if(Conta > 0)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Conta Bancaria: {33FF00}R$%s", ConvertMoney(Conta));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Conta Bancaria: {FF0000}R$-%s", ConvertMoney(Conta));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Juros: {33FF00}0.%d {B4B5B7}por cento {B4B5B7}Aluguel: {FF0000}-R$%d",tmpintrate, rent);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Valor ganho com Juros {33FF00}R$%d", interest);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "» |_________________________________|");
if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] > 1)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Novo Saldo Bancario: {33FF00}R$%s", ConvertMoney(PlayerInfo[i][pConta]));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
else if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] < 1)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Novo Saldo Bancario: {FF0000}-R$%s", ConvertMoney(PlayerInfo[i][pConta]));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pLider] == 7)
if(CofreOrg[7][Dinheiro] >= 1000000)
PGLT = random(2000);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), " Lucros do Governo: {33FF00}R$%s", ConvertMoney(PGLT));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, stringpayday);
I want to get the Random that day PayDay however can not ...

Re: Help With PayDay - Sew_Sumi - 19.04.2016

[.php][/.php] without the . makes code more readable. You should indent everything correctly as well.

What is it actually doing?

Re: Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
Посмотреть сообщение
[.php][/.php] without the . makes code more readable. You should indent everything correctly as well.

What is it actually doing?
I want Taking Random payday, payday caught this here in the forum samp ...

Re: Help With PayDay - Sew_Sumi - 19.04.2016


What is it doing?

Where'd the script come from?

Re: Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016


Re: Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
Посмотреть сообщение
[.php][/.php] without the . makes code more readable. You should indent everything correctly as well.

What is it actually doing?
Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
Посмотреть сообщение

What is it doing?

Where'd the script come from?
I am Brazilian and I am talking to you behind instead of a translator, you are not giving much to understand? . is that I want to take this Random ai Payment is coming in more Random can not at all like one o'clock comes 30k another time comes 35k

Re: Help With PayDay - Sew_Sumi - 19.04.2016

Portuguese help section is here.

Up top of that piece of code put

if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 3)
printf("Debug: Payday activated player %i", i);
//new Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
This will print to the server.log whenever anyone is being paid. If this doesn't show in the server.log, then the issue is elsewhere in your code.

Re: Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
Посмотреть сообщение
Portuguese help section is here.

Up top of that piece of code put

if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 3)
printf("Debug: Payday activated player %i", i);
//new Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
This will print to the server.log whenever anyone is being paid. If this doesn't show in the server.log, then the issue is elsewhere in your code.
Please, Thank you !, not researched there because no one there help ...

Re: Help With PayDay - Sew_Sumi - 19.04.2016

Originally Posted by JhowWatkins
Посмотреть сообщение
Please, Thank you !, not researched there because no one there help ...
There'll be someone around, they may just take a bit of time to get back to you.

And good luck.

Remember indentation though too.

        print("Good Indentation");
print("Bad Indentation");

Re: Help With PayDay - JhowWatkins - 19.04.2016

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
Посмотреть сообщение
There'll be someone around, they may just take a bit of time to get back to you.

And good luck.

Remember indentation though too.

        print("Good Indentation");
print("Bad Indentation");

f(dialogid == 2569)
Controle(playerid, 1);
EmDialog[playerid] = 0;
if(response == 0) { return true; }
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pEmprego] != 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GRAD2,"[BPV] Vocк jб possui um emprego, digite /sairdoemprego para poder pegar outro!");
return true;
case 0:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Detetive, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar Detetive, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 1;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 1:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Advogado, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Advogado, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 2;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 2:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Profissional do sexo, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Profissional do sexo, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 3;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 3:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Vendedor De Drogas, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara aceitar o emprego, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 4;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 4:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","*Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Mecвnico, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Mecвnico, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 5;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 5:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Seguranзa, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Seguranзa, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 6;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 6:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Vendedor De Armas, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Vendedor De Armas, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 7;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 7:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Hacker, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Hacker, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 8;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 8:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Agricultor, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Agricultor, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 21;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 9:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Motorista de Onibus, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Motorista de Onibus, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 9;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 10:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Ladrгo de carros, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Ladrгo de carros, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 13;
Controle(playerid, 1);
return 2;
case 11:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Caminhoneiro, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Caminhoneiro, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 11;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 12:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) vendedor de carros, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) vendedor de carros, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 12;
Controle(playerid, 1);
case 13:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2586,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Brasil Play Vegas","* Vocк estб prestes a se tornar um(a) Entregador de pizzas, terб que cumprir 5 Horas de contrato.\nPara se tornar um(a) Entregador de pizzas, clique em aceitar.","Aceitar","Sair");
GettingEmprego[playerid] = 20;
Controle(playerid, 1);


new Conta,interest, dia, mes, ano;
new rent = 0;
timeinc = 0;
new stringpayday[128];

getdate(ano, mes, dia);
format( stringpayday, sizeof stringpayday, "~b~~h~~h~%s",VerSemana(dia,mes,ano));
TextDrawSetString(Reloginho3, stringpayday);

foreach(Player, i)
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood1, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood2, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood3, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood4, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood5, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood6, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood7, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood8, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood9, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood10, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood11, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood13, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFlood14, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarGranaBar1, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarGranaBar2, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarGranaBar3, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarGranaBar4, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarGranaBar5, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFloodLocalizar, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, #VarFloodsprunk, 0);
SetPVarInt(i, "VarDano", 0);
SetPVarInt(i, "timeLastVeh", 0);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] > 0)
SendClientMessage(i, COR_TRIADS, "Vocк devia ter debitado suas dнvidas, lhe enviaram um pedido de prisгo.");
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~apreendido !", 2000, 1);
SetPlayerInterior(i, 6);
SetPlayerPos(i, 264.6288,77.5742,1001.0391);
PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1;
WantedPoints[i] = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240;
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "Vocк foi preso por %d segundos. Fianзa: Desativada", PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime]);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, stringpayday);
new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(i, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
new key = PlayerInfo[i][pPHousekey];
if(key != 500)
rent = HouseInfo[key][hRent];
if(strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
rent = 0;
else if(rent > GetPlayerMoney(i))
PlayerInfo[i][pPHousekey] = 500;
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Vocк foi expulso(a).");
rent = 0;
HouseInfo[key][hTakings] = HouseInfo[key][hTakings]+rent;
new tmpintrate;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pVIP] == 1)
tmpintrate = 14;
else if(PlayerInfo[i][pVIP] == 2)
tmpintrate = 18;
else if(PlayerInfo[i][pVIP] == 5)
tmpintrate = 24;
else if(PlayerInfo[i][pVIP] == 6)
tmpintrate = 30;
tmpintrate = 6;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 3)
printf("Debug: Payday activated player %i", i);
//new Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
Tax += TaxValue;//Shorld work for every player online
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] -= TaxValue;
new ebill = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]*1000;
new Febill = random(1500);
GiveDinheiro(i, -TaxValue);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] > 0)
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] -= ebill;
SBizzInfo[4][sbTill] += ebill;
PLO += ebill;
ebill = 0;
Conta = PlayerInfo[i][pConta];
interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pConta]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1185, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//SgD = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]*1000;
PlayerInfo[i][pConta] = Conta+interest;
//PlayerInfo[i][pConta] = Conta+SgD;
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "» |_____ Recibo de Pagamento _____|");
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Salario:{33FF00} R$%d {B4B5B7}Imposto: {FF0000}-R$%d", TaxValue);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Medico: {FF0000}-R$300");
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPHousekey] != 500 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Energia [%s]: {FF0000}-R$%d ", SBizzInfo[4][sbMessage], ebill);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
PMH += Febill;
PDU += Febill;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPFazkey] != 255)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Poзo d'agua: {FF0000}-R$%d", ebill);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
PME += Febill;
PDU += Febill;
if(Conta > 0)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Conta Bancaria: {33FF00}R$%s", ConvertMoney(Conta));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Conta Bancaria: {FF0000}R$-%s", ConvertMoney(Conta));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Juros: {33FF00}0.%d {B4B5B7}por cento {B4B5B7}Aluguel: {FF0000}-R$%d",tmpintrate, rent);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Valor ganho com Juros {33FF00}R$%d", interest);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "» |_________________________________|");
if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] > 1)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Novo Saldo Bancario: {33FF00}R$%s", ConvertMoney(PlayerInfo[i][pConta]));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
else if(PlayerInfo[i][pConta] < 1)
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "» Novo Saldo Bancario: {FF0000}-R$%s", ConvertMoney(PlayerInfo[i][pConta]));
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, stringpayday);
if(PlayerInfo[i][pEmprego] > 0)
if(PlayerInfo[i][pContractTime] < 5)
PlayerInfo[i][pContractTime] ++;
SetTimerEx("PararMusica", 7900, 0, "i", i);
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~p~PayDay~n~~w~Salario", 5000, 1);
rent = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pCaixinha] = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pSalario] = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pLimparb] = 0;
PlayerInfo[i][pConnectTime] += 1;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pTempoConce] != 0)
PlayerInfo[i][pTempoConce] -= 1;
if(PlayerInfo[i][pTempoConce] <= 0)
PlayerInfo[i][pTempoConce] = 0;
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Vocк nгo pagou a sua dнvida e foi preso.");
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Preso!", 2000, 1);
SetPlayerInterior(i, 6);
SetPlayerPos(i, 264.6288,77.5742,1001.0391);
PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1;
WantedPoints[i] = 0;
storeexit[i] = 66;
SetPlayerWantedLevelEx(i, 0);
PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240;
format(stringpayday, sizeof(stringpayday), "Vocк foi preso por %d segundos.", PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime]);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, stringpayday);
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* Vocк nгo jogou tempo suficiente para receber salбrio!");
new lolbagui;
lolbagui = PlayerInfo[i][pExp];
new nxtlevel = PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]+1;
if(lolbagui >= nxtlevel*levelexp)
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~w~~h~Respeito Adquirido~n~~g~Digite /comprarnivel", 5000, 1);
if(TriadMatou > HitmanMatou){
format(stringpayday, 128, "Sua Organizaзгo Ganhou o Kit Bфnus {FFFF00}[Contratos Triad %d x %d Contratos Hitmans]", TriadMatou, HitmanMatou);
SendFamilyMessage(22, 0xFFFFFFFF, stringpayday);
OrgVencedora = 22;
else if(HitmanMatou > TriadMatou){
format(stringpayday, 128, "Sua Organizaзгo Ganhou o Kit Bфnus {FFFF00}[Contratos Hitman %d x %d Contratos Triad]", HitmanMatou, TriadMatou);
SendFamilyMessage(8, 0xFFFFFFFF, stringpayday);
OrgVencedora = 8;
//format(stringpayday, 128, "[BONUS]: Nenhuma agкncia de assassinos ganhou o kit bфnus neste payday.");
OrgVencedora = 0;

TriadMatou = 0;
HitmanMatou = 0;
//SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00FF, stringpayday);

for(new i; i != MAX_TERRITORIOS; i++)
trLS[i][trLiberarGuerra] = 0;

for(new k=1; k != MAX_ORGS; k++)
if(RadioDesativado[k] == 1)
RadioDesativado[k] = 0;
return true;

The jobs are these and payday is there that I am still unable to set a salary for each job that hits the payday