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Players help - Printable Version

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Players help - LifeRah - 10.04.2016

hello, can someone tell me how to show players on my website? I mean the players active on my server can easily be seen on my website.

Re: Players help - SyS - 10.04.2016

You may be looking for something like this

Re: Players help - LifeRah - 10.04.2016

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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You may be looking for something like this
Thanks for your support but can u plz tell me how to use it? Because that topic just shows the document but i dont know where to put it and where to add it on index.html of my site?

Re: Players help - xPhantom - 10.04.2016

For the usage code, that would be customized for your template. You have to create a file called samp_query.php and place the "Actual class" code in that file in the same directory as your index.

Re: Players help - LifeRah - 11.04.2016

Originally Posted by xPhantom
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For the usage code, that would be customized for your template. You have to create a file called samp_query.php and place the "Actual class" code in that file in the same directory as your index.
ok, so i made a .php file and pasted the actual code in it but what should i do with the usage code? where to paste it?

Re: Players help - LifeRah - 13.04.2016

And is it important to have HOSTED TAB to show players on website?