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The Endless arguments - Printable Version

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The Endless arguments - mcreed - 03.04.2016

hi, I want to ask for help in the following function.

Basically I want his method of using it:
GuardarCampo (ID, Table, Field1, Value1, Field2, Value2, etc ..);

I have the following code:
PHP код:
stock GuardarCampostr(id,Tabla[], ...)
Args 2;
format(inf_Salida,sizeof(inf_Salida),"UPDATE `%s` SET ",Tabla);
format(query,sizeof(query),"`%s`=%s,",getarg(Args-1), getarg(Args));
Args <= numargs()-1);
format(query,sizeof(query),"`%s`=%s WHERE `ID`=%d",getarg(Args-1), getarg(Args),id);

But I have a problem and I print it this way:
pawn Код:
UPDATE `svr_cuentas` SET `s`=Ms,``=M,``=M,``= WHERE `ID`=1
It donot really a lot of use of the endless arguments (...)

Re: The Endless arguments - PinkFloydLover - 03.04.2016

If you need to use a loop to format all of your SQL fields for queries then you're doing something wrong, you can just manually write them, it's bad practise to have too many fields in a table