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How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - Printable Version

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How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - iCurse - 02.04.2016

Title says it all.

Re: How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - itsCody - 02.04.2016

Those are the two key things to do so.

Unless you wanted something else, be more specific.

Re: How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - iCurse - 02.04.2016

Originally Posted by itsCody
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Those are the two key things to do so.

Unless you wanted something else, be more specific.
I need a skin selection, where you can select the skin you want after registering. Skin selection must only be for new comers, after selecting a skin then spawned, left the server then logging in back, you will not be able to select a skin. Just like that.

Re: How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - itsCody - 02.04.2016

PHP код:
new bool:SelectedSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
// Registering...
SelectedSkin[playerid] = false;
//SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// have them select it

Set the variable to true when they spawn or something

Could try something like that.
You'd have to save the var obviously

Re: How can i create a skin selection when a player registers? - zT KiNgKoNg - 02.04.2016

Here: (Good include for a visual skin selector / Dialog esc design)....

For everything else required to detect select that'll be upto you, the Wiki has everything you need... Along with the tutorials section can also help with this.