Command Request -
Tass007 - 01.04.2016
Hai. I posted a topic here;
It was about my factions not working. I've isolated the problem and it's my CMD: request however I get no errors or anything. I found a script that has a working command of /request but I only had the .amx so I used the DEamxer and tried to convert it, but that didn't work...
I will post the two commands.
This is from my script that works, but the commands just doesn't...
PHP код:
CMD:request(playerid, params[])
new tmp[256];
if (orgReq[playerid] > 0)
SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "You are already requesting to join an organization.");
SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Your request will not be withdrawn until you are accepted, declined or reconnect.");
return 1;
new moneys1 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, FILE_OSTATS), "max_org");
if (moneys1 == 0) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_SILVER, "There are currently no existing organizations.");
if (DoesPlayerHaveMenuOpen(playerid) || GetPlayerDialog(playerid) != -1) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: Please exit your current menu first.");
new tmp3[1028];
for (new orgg = 1; orgg <= moneys1; orgg++)
format(tmp, 10, "ORG%d", orgg);
if (!dini_Exists(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp))) continue;
if (adlvl[playerid] >= 3) format(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3), "%s\n{%s}%s (%d)\n", tmp3, dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp), "color"), dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp), "name"), orgg);
else format(tmp3, sizeof(tmp3), "%s\n{%s}%s\n", tmp3, dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp), "color"), dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp), "name"), orgg);
ShowPlayerDialog2(playerid, DIALOG_ORG_REQUEST, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select an organization to join.", tmp3, "Select", "Cancel");
return 1;
Then here is the command that is supposed to work, but the De AMxer didn't do a good job :P
PHP код:
public cmd_request(playerid)
new var0[256], var1[256], var2 = 0, var3[256];
if(0 < glob1FA5C[playerid])
function18CB0(playerid, 0xFF9900FF, "You are already requesting to join an organization.");
function18CB0(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "Your request will not be withdrawn until you are accepted, declined or reconnect.");
return 1;
new var4 = function1598(function18BB4(1948612, 1948648), "max_org");
return function18CB0(playerid, 0xDDDDDDFF, "There are currently no existing organizations.");
if(functionC05EC(playerid) || -1 != function243A8(playerid))
return function18CB0(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "SERVER: Please exit your current menu first.");
new var5[1028], var6[400];
format(var5, 1028, "%sOrganization\tMembers\tLeader", var5);
for(new var7 = 1; var7 <= var4; var7++)
var2 = 0;
format(var0, 10, "ORG%d", var7);
new var8 = function1598(function18BB4(1949228, var0), "maxmembers");
var6 = function1B54(function18BB4(1949308, var0), "leader");
for(new var9 = 1; var9 <= var8; var9++)
format(var1, 12, "member%d", var9);
if(strcmp(function1B54(function18BB4(1949408, var0), var1), "server"))
if(strcmp(var6, "server"))
format(var3, 256, "%s", var6);
format(var3, 256, "None");
if(!functionDF8(function18BB4(1949532, var0)))
if(var2 == var8)
format(var5, 1028, "%s\n{%s}%s (%d)\tFull\t%s\n", var5, function1B54(function18BB4(1949664, var0), "color"), function1B54(function18BB4(1949724, var0), "name"), var7, var3);
else if(var2 != var8)
format(var5, 1028, "%s\n{%s}%s (%d)\tAvaliable\t%s\n", var5, function1B54(function18BB4(1949896, var0), "color"), function1B54(function18BB4(1949956, var0), "name"), var7, var3);
function24288(playerid, 6, 5, 1950012, var5, 1950140, 1950168);
return 1;
I've tried to convert them, but my Pawno stops working. With your amazing brains I'm sure you guys could help me out.
As always who ever helps me will get +1 Rep.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Command Request -
Tass007 - 02.04.2016