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HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - Printable Version

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HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - NeXoR - 05.03.2016

Hey guys, So I tried to edit a Fire script (RP)

And only when I click the fire key it reduces the Fire HP, it's supposed to keep reducing it as long as I hold the key
		new Float:fx, Float:fy, Float:fz;
		GetDynamicObjectPos(FireObject, fx, fy, fz);
		new string[256];
        if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 42 || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 407)
            if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 40.0, fx,  fy,  fz))
			   	FireHealth -= 1;
				format(string, sizeof(string), "%d/100%", FireHealth);
				Update3DTextLabelText(FireText, GREEN, string);
			    if(FireHealth <= 0)
					FireHealth = 0;
					FireTimer = SetTimer("StartRandomFire", 900000, false);
					format(string, sizeof(string), "Auto-Dispatcher: The fire that was started has been successfully put out. Continue with normal duties.");
					foreach(Player, i)
	    				if(IsACop(i) || IsAGov(i) || IsMedic(i) || IsSASD(i))
							SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_DEPTRADIO, string);
					return 1;
#define HOLDING(%0) \
	((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))

Re: HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - Vince - 06.03.2016

I'm just going to quote myself from another thread:

Originally Posted by Vince
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The HOLDING macro is often used wrongly. What is usually desired is PRESSED and RELEASED. OnPlayerKeyStateChange is only called when a key changes. You can press and then hold KEY_FIRE for an eternity but it will still only register a press when you first press it and a release when you release it. Only if you press an additional while still holding KEY_FIRE will it register as holding.

You will need to set a timer when they first press the key and it and kill the timer when they release it. Alternatively, set and unset a variable and use OnPlayerUpdate if you require faster interaction.

Re: HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - NeXoR - 06.03.2016

Originally Posted by Vince
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I'm just going to quote myself from another thread:
Ugh, thanks I guess
Can u just explain it more in description that way with the timer ? I mean a small example of a few lines

Re: HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - [XST]O_x - 06.03.2016

He means:
pawn Код:
new pHoldingKeyFire[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerKeyState...
        pHoldingKeyFire[playerid] = 1;
        pHoldingKeyFire[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;
When you want to check if a player is holding KEY_FIRE, just use
pawn Код:
    //Do something

Re: HOLDING Key_Fire doesnt work - NeXoR - 06.03.2016

Originally Posted by [XST]O_x
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He means:
pawn Код:
new pHoldingKeyFire[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerKeyState...
        pHoldingKeyFire[playerid] = 1;
        pHoldingKeyFire[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;
When you want to check if a player is holding KEY_FIRE, just use
pawn Код:
    //Do something
Thank you
(+rep for both of you guys )