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Help ColAndreas - Crystallize - 01.03.2016

I use this.
forward DestroyBlood(objectid);
public DestroyBlood(objectid)
stock CreateGroundBlood(playerid)
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);

	if(CA_RayCastLineAngle(x, y, z, x, y, z - 2.0, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz))
	return SetTimerEx("DestroyBlood", 1500, false, "d", CreateDynamicObject(19836, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)), 1;

	return 0;
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
	if(hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER) 
		new Float:sx, Float:sy, Float:sz,
			Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz;

		GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, sx, sy, sz);

		new Float:x = fX - sx,
			Float:y = fY - sy,
			Float:z = fZ - sz;

		new Float:d = VectorSize(x, y, z);
		x /= d;
		y /= d;
		z /= d;

		x *= 10.0;
		y *= 10.0;
		z *= 10.0;

		if(CA_RayCastLineAngle(fX, fY, fZ, fX + x, fY + y, fZ + z, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz))
		SetTimerEx("DestroyBlood", 1500, false, "d", CreateDynamicObject(19836, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz));
	return 1;
public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
return 1;
There is blood on the ground but not in the wall as supposed to , what is wrong with this code? I have never worked with ColAndreas before any help is appreciated!

Re: Help ColAndreas - [NWA]Hannes - 01.03.2016

You have static values for where the blood object is supposed to be created and I don't think the script can know the distance to the closest wall in order to create the blood on it.

Re: Help ColAndreas - Crystallize - 01.03.2016

Originally Posted by [NWA]Hannes
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You have static values for where the blood object is supposed to be created and I don't think the script can know the distance to the closest wall in order to create the blood on it.
That's why I use ColAndreas and the RayCastLineAngle function?

Re: Help ColAndreas - [NWA]Hannes - 01.03.2016

Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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That's why I use ColAndreas and the RayCastLineAngle function?
As I said, I've never used the plugin, it was just a mere suggestion to why your script might not have been working properly. Perhaps RayCastLineAngle does not work for custom wall objects if that what you're using, apologies for trying to help you with your problem.

Re: Help ColAndreas - Nero_3D - 01.03.2016

fX, fY and fZ are offsets and not the target position
Anyways for the weapon pos you need GetPlayerLastShotVectors
PHP Code:
// OnPlayerWeaponShot
vX fX vX;
vY fY vY;
vZ fZ vZ;
Floathittype) = 5.0 VectorSize(vXvYvZ);
vX *= Floathittype;
vY *= Floathittype;
vZ *= Floathittype;
CA_RayCastLineAngle(fXfYfZfX vXfY vYfZ vZvXvYvZfXfYfZ))

Re: Help ColAndreas - Crayder - 01.03.2016

@Nero_3D: Yeah when I wrote that code I forgot 'f' was offsets... xD

Basically what I was doing was calculating the unit vector with it and the camera position.

Now... Why are you dividing 5 by the distance...? I'm confused...

Re: Help ColAndreas - Nero_3D - 01.03.2016

Originally Posted by Crayder
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@Nero_3D: Yeah when I wrote that code I forgot 'f' was offsets... xD

Basically what I was doing was calculating the unit vector with it and the camera position.

Now... Why are you dividing 5 by the distance...? I'm confused...
Normalization and multiplied by 5, pretty much the same as
Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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		new Float:d = VectorSize(x, y, z);
		x /= d;
		y /= d;
		z /= d;

		x *= 10.0;
		y *= 10.0;
		z *= 10.0;

Re: Help ColAndreas - Crayder - 02.03.2016

Updated the code in the useful functions thread.

Thanks Wizzard2H for pointing out that it was failing. As noted there, I hadn't tested it before posting it.