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PHP hash whirlpool - Printable Version

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PHP hash whirlpool - EmiGjoni - 16.02.2016

Hi there
How to switch from SHA512 hash to whirlpool from code below

$SQLAddUser -> execute(array(':username' => $_POST['username'], ':password' => hash('SHA512', $_POST['password']), ':mbt' => intval($_POST['mbt']), ':expire' => strtotime("{$_POST['day']} {$_POST['month']} {$_POST['year']}")));
Problem is that i got this source from another thing and now i wanna switch it for samp but hash is in SHA512. Should i just remove SHA512 and write whirlpool instead?

Re: PHP hash whirlpool - Kyle - 16.02.2016

Yes, Change "SHA512" to "whirlpool".

Re: PHP hash whirlpool - Sithis - 16.02.2016

Additional hint: PHP's whirlpool implementation uses upper case letters where PAWN's implementation uses lowercase letters. When I used it, I had to use a toUpper function to get correctly matching passwords.