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Can someone? - HarveyFG - 16.02.2016

Hello, I am a newbie scripter. I want to learn how to script a rp but I dont know where to go. I searched all the ******* but most that appeared is outdated and different languages. If you know a site or a ******* channel that are showing a rp scripting tutorialx please comment then in the box section.

Re: Can someone? - YoDawg - 16.02.2016

Re: Can someone? - Vince - 16.02.2016

Don't run before you can walk. Similarly, don't start with a RP script if you know nothing about scripting. Try simpler things, first.

Re: Can someone? - Chilli9434 - 16.02.2016

The best way to learn any programming language is to look at other code and try and reverse engineer it. Start by finding simple examples that can be found on the samp wiki ( then slowly start to look at other peoples gamemodes, maybe try and edit them (Dont start a server with these edited scripts if the owners of the script dont want you using it, At the end of the day it is their original work not yours). Soon enough you'll begin to pick up on things, start to understand how the language works and then ultimately you should be able to create a script from scratch. With most things in life, practice makes perfect as Vince said, Dont run before you can walk. Nobody is a master when they first start out, its why we don't have new born babies making millions of dollars.

Re: Can someone? - HarveyFG - 17.02.2016

Thanks guys.

Re: Can someone? - Luis- - 18.02.2016

A simple DM script or even a freeroam would probably be the easiest, with a freeroam script the possibilities are endless!