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texturing maps. - Printable Version

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texturing maps. - Tuntun - 09.02.2016

I want to re-texture them:

	CreateObject(19463, -160.29330, 1188.42834, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.33499);
	CreateObject(19463, -169.85027, 1188.37012, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.33499);
	CreateObject(19463, -155.54945, 1183.70813, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
	CreateObject(19463, -174.56956, 1172.57227, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
Why this is not working?:

new test[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
test[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, 19463, -174.57477, 1183.59570, 20.48560, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
SetPlayerObjectMaterial(playerid, test[playerid], 0, 16070, "des_trees", "corporate3", 0);

Re: texturing maps. - ikey07 - 09.02.2016

Some textures needs to be pre-loaded, a.k.a first create an object from which you took that texture, and then create an object to which you want to apply it.

Re: texturing maps. - Tuntun - 09.02.2016

So.. I want to re-texture many objects. like 10-30... how can I do it? I can't make 30 new test[MAX_PLAYERS];

Re: texturing maps. - ikey07 - 09.02.2016

You can make a loop if you are using the same texture, but there is no other options. tho you should better use object streamer, instead of CreatePlayerObject.

Re: texturing maps. - Tuntun - 09.02.2016

Any example for the loop?

Re: texturing maps. - ikey07 - 09.02.2016

I would make like this.

pawn Code:
new Float:ObjPos[][6] = {
{-160.29330, 1188.42834, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.33499},
{-169.85027, 1188.37012, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.33499},
{-155.54945, 1183.70813, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000},
{-174.56956, 1172.57227, 20.48560,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000}


for(new i; i < sieof(ObjPos); i++)
test[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, 19463,ObjPos[i][0], ObjPos[i][1, ObjPos[i][2, ObjPos[i][3], ObjPos[i][4], ObjPos[i][5]);
SetPlayerObjectMaterial(playerid, test[i], 0, 16070, "des_trees", "corporate3", 0);
Ofc I dont know in what context you use them, maybe loop is not even an option.

Re: texturing maps. - Crayder - 09.02.2016

@ikey07 dude, just get out of the Scripting Help section... All I've seen from you in the last three threads I read were assumptions and lies!

@Tuntun, what exactly isn't working? What's going wrong?
First off, DON'T do what ikey07 said, those answers don't make any sense at all.

Re: texturing maps. - ikey07 - 09.02.2016