[GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
DMSOrg - 30.12.2008
STDM - Cowboys vs. Cops
The first in the STDM line of gamemodes is a simple team deathmatch between Cowboys and Police in Dillimore.
Because the area is so small which the two sides fight in, there are no vehicles
Cowboys and Cops. Cowboys are equipped with a Sawnoff Shotgun with 2000 ammo and a Rifle with 500 ammo. Cops are equipped with a Sawnoff Shotgun with 2000 ammo and a Sports Shotgun with 500 ammo. Cops spawn at the Dillimore Police Station whereas Cowboys spawn at the Welcome Pump on the other side of the town.
Memory Conservation Awareness
This script does not use 255 or 256 in any of it's arrays
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Shadowww - 17.01.2009
Sports Shotgun
What is this?
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Rockstarman - 17.01.2009
Dude Improove the script.. Kinda for begginers.. Any one can know it from taking lesson one in Pawno Scripting
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
DMSOrg - 17.01.2009
@Shadow - A standard shotgun:
@Rockstarman - I know, it's a very basic script. All I really wanted to do was make something small, something you'd see on a mini-missions server.
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Shadowww - 17.01.2009
Cops are equipped with a Sawnoff Shotgun with 2000 ammo and a Sports Shotgun with 500 ammo.
In one slot you can have only one weapon AFAIK.
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
KyleLyndonSmith - 17.01.2009
Nice little GM
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
DMSOrg - 23.01.2009
Originally Posted by Shadowww
Cops are equipped with a Sawnoff Shotgun with 2000 ammo and a Sports Shotgun with 500 ammo.
In one slot you can have only one weapon AFAIK.
Oh darn... how did I not catch that...
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Windows7 - 12.08.2010
Good job
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Basicz - 18.09.2010
It's simple, but nice gamemode!
Re: [GM] Small Town Deathmatch - Cowboys vs. Cops -
Steven82 - 18.09.2010
Pretty nice basic script, didn't test it, probably never wil. But from the description sounds pretty fun i guess if you played it over a LAN network with friends/family lol