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[FilterScript] [FS] Skin Ownership [+ Saving System] - Printable Version

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[FS] Skin Ownership [+ Saving System] - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Hello, all world here.
I will release my Skin Ownership because there isn't any released yet.
Well, I make it fast because I'm not a person who speaks much about something.

At first I will recommend you a nice [FS]Clothing Store System made by =>Sandra<=
Link here:

What is it?

Well, this filterscript allows you to buy an unique skin and nobody else can own it until you sell it.
There are exactly 286 skins available to purchase.
The Skin IDs goes from ID:0 to ID:299!
The default price of each skin is $100'000, but you can change it easily to your preferable price.
If you sell it, you'll get the half amount of the skin cost back.
All data will be stored, even on server restart.

Commands available!

The main command is /skinhelp which will show you all commands but I will explain you what all commands are.
/zip - will show you the location of the ZIP shop where you can buy and sell after your skin.
/buyskin <skin id> - buy with that command a specific skin.
/sellskin - allows you to sell your skin if you own a skin.
/wearskin - with that command you can wear your skin and show all people that you own this skin.
/unwearskin - to unwear your bought skin and sets back your normal skin.
/myskin - simple command that shows you what skin you are owning and what skin you are wearing.


- Download it!
- Add the filterscript "[FS]_Skin_Ownership.amx" in your "filterscripts" folder.
- Add it in the "server.cfg" like "filterscripts [FS]_Skin_Ownership".
- You must have a folder called "PlayerSkins" in your "scriptfiles" folder.
- In the "scriptfiles" folder you must have the file "AllSkins.ini" which you can download below.
Note! Don't change the "AllSkins.ini" because there are some params which you don't understand.

"Zip Shop" = default ownername of the skin if not bought.
"0" = Skin is not bought.
"1" = Skin is bought by someone.
"2" = Invalid Skin ID, not buyable.


Mediafire - [Includes all files needed]
Solidfiles -

If you find any bugs post them here.


All credits goes to me!
Except some stocks in my script.
Thank you for commenting.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Rozzie - 30.12.2008

Wow.... dude have i said your crazy? never seen something like this!
Nicely done ! =)

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - [NBG]XxXkranXxX - 30.12.2008

Very nice.

But what happends if there is 300 different players and not 299 that come onto the server?

What skin will the 300th person recieve?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Rozzie - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by [NBG
XxXkranXxX ]
Very nice.

But what happends if there is 300 different players and not 299 that come onto the server?

What skin will the 300th person recieve?
you cant have more than 300 persons on server? or i understood wrong.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - [NBG]XxXkranXxX - 30.12.2008

Limit is 200.

What im saying is what happends if a server gets 299 people come onto it throughout time and they all buy a skin, what will player 300 recieve?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Rozzie - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by [NBG
XxXkranXxX ]
Limit is 200.

What im saying is what happends if a server gets 299 people come onto it throughout time and they all buy a skin, what will player 300 recieve?
a message "SERVERorry, but no more skins avaible, go buy some cookies instend of skin!"

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - [NBG]XxXkranXxX - 30.12.2008

You obviously don't get my point.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - eddd3 - 30.12.2008

Everyone can buy the same skin and any skin, unless you wanna change the script :P

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by eddd3
Everyone can buy the same skin and any skin, unless you wanna change the script :P
Wrong, if you buy first skin ID:255 for example, no one else can buy it.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - AF1CLAN - 30.12.2008

Don't think he read the script . nice and easy good job.


Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - kukars22 - 30.12.2008

So if all skins on server is taken... Noone can join server anymore?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by kukars22
So if all skins on server is taken... Noone can join server anymore?
You didn't got the point of it.
If you join the server you'll have the default skin of AddPlayerClass.
You can buy skins, so only you can wear this one.
It's like a property system or car system.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Street-Fighter - 30.12.2008

sry my englich .

Nice Script

Is it also to be bought Possibly several skin's? or feasibly?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by CHA~Chakuza
sry my englich .

Nice Script

It is possible which one also several Skins purchase can?.
No, you can buy only one skin.
To buy another you need to sell your skin first.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Street-Fighter - 30.12.2008

does one resist something like that feasibly several can shop?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by CHA~Chakuza
does one resist something like that feasibly several can shop?
The is only one shop where you can buy it.
To get the location type /zip and follow the marker to it.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Street-Fighter - 30.12.2008

Is possible? more skins to buyґs?

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Serbish - 30.12.2008

Originally Posted by CHA~Chakuza
Is possible? more skins to buyґs?
No, if you buy one you can't buy more.
You need to sell your skin first then.

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Street-Fighter - 30.12.2008

a ok i translator is noot good xD

Re: [FS] Skin Ownership - Baff - 30.12.2008

:P :P :P


finally something good