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help me - N0FeaR - 10.01.2016

i trying make change chatstyle cmd but when i change chatstyle wont update it in my mysql database what might be the problme?

PHP код:
sscanf(params"i"aimid)) SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"USAGE: /chatstyle [0-8]");
        if (
PlayerCuffed[playerid] >= 1) return SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"You cannot use this while cuffed!");
        if (
PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime] > 0) return SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"You cannot use this now!");
        if (
PlayerInfo[playerid][pHospital] > 0) return SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"You cannot use this while in hospital");
        if (
GetPVarInt(playerid"Injured")) return SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_WHITE"You cannot use this while dead!");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Chatstyle removed.");
.. 8:
format(szQuerysizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `ChatStyle`=%d WHERE `ChatStyle` = '%d'"PlayerInfo[aimid][pChatStyle]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Chatstyle set.");
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"USAGE: /chatstyle [0-8]");

Re: help me - OwlIT - 10.01.2016

Well you have forgotten to update the pChatStyle variable and you have inserted in the 'playerid' parameter 'aimid'. Put this before the query:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pChatStyle] = aimid;

Re: help me - N0FeaR - 10.01.2016

Originally Posted by OwlIT
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Well you have forgotten to update the pChatStyle variable and you have inserted in the 'playerid' parameter 'aimid'. Put this before the query:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pChatStyle] = aimid;
Still same problem.

Re: help me - jlalt - 10.01.2016

PHP код:
format(szQuerysizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `ChatStyle`=%d WHERE `ChatStyle` = '%d'"PlayerInfo[aimid][pChatStyle]); 
PHP код:
format(szQuerysizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `ChatStyle`= '%d' WHERE `ChatStyle` = '%d'"aimidPlayerInfo[playerid][pChatStyle]); 
You were using two %d but just telling one of them what should it be so my code should work :c

Re: help me - PrO.GameR - 10.01.2016

`ChatStyle` = '%d'"
Are you seriously using Chatstyle as the where clause ? Do you know what that will do ? Lemme show you

I use chatstyle, set my chatstyle to 3, You having chatstyle 3 use it, change yours to 5, that actually will change everyone that have/had chatstyle 3 to 5, including me, your where clause should be
`ID` = %d, %d pointing to PlayerInfo[aimid][SQLID] or whatever you saved SQLID into.

PHP код:
                format(szQuerysizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `ChatStyle`=%d WHERE `ID` = %d"aimid,PlayerInfo[playerid][SQLID]); 
Honestly this feels a lot like copy-pasted now not working kind of topic, Where the hell did you take this from ? PlayerInfo[aimid][pChatStyle] << What is this supposed to mean ? it should be playerid not aimid.