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Removing talk - Printable Version

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Removing talk - Swarn - 05.01.2016

So, when you load the script 'grandlarc' and you type anything in game, it sends the whole message you wrote to everyone, I am working on a RPG server and want it like a RP text type, proxdetector. I got the proxdetector working I just need to disable the original text thing. Heres an image of what is currently happening. I want the top line of text, not the second line. Thanks

Re: Removing talk - Lucky13 - 05.01.2016

It's as easy as pie.

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
        // Your code here.
	return 0;
Put your code above the return 0; That will fix it.

Re: Removing talk - Swarn - 05.01.2016

Thanks, changed return 1; to return 0; Works perfectly, thanks man. + Rep

Re: Removing talk - Lucky13 - 05.01.2016

Originally Posted by Swarn
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Thanks, changed return 1; to return 0; Works perfectly, thanks man. + Rep
+rep for you too my friend ^^