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Where to Post? - Printable Version

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Where to Post? - Akcent_Voltaj - 03.01.2016

hi, I don't know where to post if I need help with my userbar, MySQL.. I have everything MySQL, but I don't know how to make userbar..on forum and I don't know where to post..

Re: Where to Post? - MikeMike1997 - 03.01.2016

Have you tried looking through the forums before posting? I'm not sure if there is one but I'm pretty sure loads of people have attempted this before

Re: Where to Post? - Akcent_Voltaj - 04.01.2016

I don't know, can someone tell me??

Re: Where to Post? - dndperas - 04.01.2016

My friend knows. Cantact me for more info