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scripting possibility - Printable Version

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scripting possibility - Kasis - 02.01.2016

hello everyone! So am just wondering is it accessible to scrip in clean pawno something roughly saying basic roleplay server?
Edit: If am right then without plugins!

Respuesta: scripting possibility - IzadorO - 02.01.2016

If you are talking about being able to script with pawno without any plugins, then yes, you are.

Re: Respuesta: scripting possibility - Kasis - 02.01.2016

Originally Posted by IzadorO
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If you are talking about being able to script with pawno without any plugins, then yes, you are.
Just as I thought, but would it be that effective/fast/stable if like with plugins ?

Re: scripting possibility - Abagail - 03.01.2016

Plugins are (for the most part) designed to improve those types of things, as well as add new functions not possible without(such as file access outside the script files folder, connecting to FTP servers, etc).

Some plugins such as MySQL, Streamer, Sscanf are commonly used and are considered the standard for what they do, however this doesn't mean it'll be impossible/laggy without plugins. To be honest, why would you want to script a plugin-less server anyway?

Re: scripting possibility - Kasis - 04.01.2016

Originally Posted by Abagail
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To be honest, why would you want to script a plugin-less server anyway?
Well i am like cracking down everything. Its more for pawno but would be cool to get in such level of scripting to write down ideas i keep having.

Re: scripting possibility - AmigaBlizzard - 05.01.2016

It's perfectly possible to write an entire gamemode or filterscript without using any plugins.
However, you'll be limited to what you can do.

For example, without the streamer, you'll be limited to 1000 objects for your maps.
You can also only have 1 checkpoint, while the streamer can have an almost endless amount of checkpoints.
There are also alot of other limits which can be circumvented using the streamer.

Not using the streamer will automatically prevent you from creating a huge new mapping filterscript as you'll hit the samp object-limit very quickly.

Without sscanf, you'll also have to split up your parameters yourself somehow and write code to check if you entered a player-name or his ID as parameter.
Like "/givemoney AmigaBlizzard 100000" or "/givemoney 19 100000".
These could mean the same thing if I were to be player-ID 19, but your command would need to be able to work with both scenario's, since most players have become used to this (typing either the full name, part-of-name or a player's id).
Or even "/givemoney Amiga 100000".
If there is nobody else online with a name that starts with Amiga, sscanf will automatically accept me as valid player without the need to fully type the name of the player.

You'll end up writing replacement code for those plugins sometime anyways, so it's faster and easier to start off using them right away and consider those plugins to be a part of the basic samp package.

Plugins that should be part of the basic samp package:
- streamer
- sscanf
- zcmd

Re: scripting possibility - Vince - 05.01.2016

Please differentiate between Pawn (the language) and Pawno (an editor).

Re: scripting possibility - Kasis - 21.01.2016

Originally Posted by kasis223
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Well i am like cracking down everything. Its more for pawn but would be cool to get in such level of scripting to write down ideas i keep having.
Originally Posted by Vince
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Please differentiate between Pawn (the language) and Pawno (an editor).

Re: scripting possibility - Kasis - 21.01.2016

Thanks man for clearing some stuff up now i sorta understand and can see what on how and why!

Re: scripting possibility - justinnater - 25.01.2016

Originally Posted by Vince
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Please differentiate between Pawn (the language) and Pawno (an editor).
Yes, because otherwise we won't have a clue what he is trying to say.