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Is Writing... ? - Printable Version

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Is Writing... ? - Rodri99 - 01.01.2016

Is possible make a textdraw in player, like: Is Writing... while the player creating the text or just opened the chat??


Re: Is Writing... ? - Riddick94 - 01.01.2016

There's no way to detect if player has opened the chat box.

Re: Is Writing... ? - Rodri99 - 01.01.2016

There's is a way onplayerkeystatechange 'T'
And closed = ESC.

Re: Is Writing... ? - Crystallize - 01.01.2016

Originally Posted by Rodri99
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There's is a way onplayerkeystatechange 'T'
And closed = ESC.
No, you cannot detect if player pressed "T" or "ESC"

Re: Is Writing... ? - Godey - 02.01.2016


There's is a way onplayerkeystatechange 'T'
And closed = ESC.

Only these keys can be used in OnPlayerKeyStateChange