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/audiomsg [playerid]? - Printable Version

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/audiomsg [playerid]? - Rodri99 - 01.01.2016

Is there any system to make other player type automatically /audiomsg onplayerconnect?
Like this: cmd_audiomsg(playerid,"\1"); ?


Re: /audiomsg [playerid]? - Tamy - 01.01.2016

Depends on what command processor you are using. If ZCMD, then

cmd_audiomsg(playerid, "parameters here");
like if there is a URL to enter in that command

cmd_audiomsg(playerid, "");

Re: /audiomsg [playerid]? - Rodri99 - 01.01.2016

It's a built-in client command, not created on gm.

Re: /audiomsg [playerid]? - Tamy - 01.01.2016

Oh, then I dont think you can call SAMP commands, sry.

You can send some blank messages though, like this.

for(new i=0; i<20; i++)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "");