how many times a string is repeated in another string -
VincenzoDrift - 30.12.2015
Hi, i have a problem. I need to know how many times a string is repeated in another string.
new string[128], string2[128];
string = "No/nNo/nNo";
string2= "No";
I need to know how many times the string "No"(string2) is repeated in "No/nNo/nNo"(string1).
The result shoud be 3 times. What function can I use?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
Jefff - 30.12.2015
while + strfind "No"
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
VincenzoDrift - 31.12.2015
Thanks i try to do this, but don't work.
stock GetQuantityStringInString(haystack[], needle[])
new pos,
for(;;) //if i use while(true) it give me a warning
result = strfind(haystack, needle, false, pos);
pos += result;
if(result == -1)
return count;
Any suggestions?
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
BroZeus - 31.12.2015
Use this :
PHP Code:
stock GetQuantityStringInString(haystack[], needle[], ignorecase = true)
new temp[30], c = 0;
for(new i = 0, l = strlen(haystack)-strlen(needle); i <= l; ++i)
strmid(temp, haystack, i, i+strlen(needle));
if(!strcmp(needle, temp, ignorecase))c++;
return c;
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
VincenzoDrift - 31.12.2015
Thanks it works, but it give me a warning "tag mismatch" on this line.
if(!strcmp(needle, temp, ignorecase))c++;
How fix?
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
BroZeus - 31.12.2015
Ah change the function prototype(function header) to this:
stock GetQuantityStringInString(haystack[], needle[], bool:ignorecase = true)
Add that bold part
Re: how many times a string is repeated in another string -
Kaliber - 31.12.2015
The fastest way to do this, is:
PHP Code:
stock static countStrings(const string[], const needle[])
new c;
for(new i=strfind(string,needle,true); i!=-1; i=strfind(string,needle,true,i+1)) c++;
return c;
Speed Results against your function:
Your time with 100.000x: 3818ms
My time with 100.000x: 1466ms