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Weird problem - Printable Version

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[Solved] Weird problem - Maximun - 28.12.2015

Hello everyone, so everything was working good but from addded 'doorExitX' - 'doorExitY' - 'doorExitZ' , the command doesn't work, i'm trying to solve this problem from yesterday all day without result I don't know really what's problem here I see everything clear, so if someone have a idea with this hoping you help me and thanks.

PHP код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"[Error]: Only Admins Can Use This Command!");
sscanf(params,"iiifff",price,level,interior,X,Y,Z)) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Usage: /mint [Price] [Lvl] [Intr] [PosIntX] [PosIntY] [PosIntZ]");
0sizeof(HIntInfo); i++)
        if (
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2playerid,HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceX], HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceY], HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceZ]))
HIntInfo[i][doorBuyPrice] = price//PRICE HOUSE
HIntInfo[i][doorLevelRequired] = level//LEVEL HOUSE
HIntInfo[i][doorInterior] = interior//INTERIOR HOUSE
HIntInfo[i][doorExitX] = X//POS INTERIOR
HIntInfo[i][doorExitY] = Y//POS INTERIOR
HIntInfo[i][doorExitZ] = Z//POS INTERIOR

Problem solved by Jeff
The problem was Wrong usage IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint

Re: Weird problem - Karan007 - 28.12.2015

Try this

PHP код:

PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"[Error]: Only Admins Can Use This Command!"); 
sscanf(params,"iiifff",price,level,interior,X,Y,Z)) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Usage: /mint [Price] [Lvl] [Intr] [PosIntX] [PosIntY] [PosIntZ]"); 
0sizeof(HIntInfo); i++) 
        if (
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2playerid,HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceX], HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceY], HIntInfo[i][doorEntranceZ])) 
HIntInfo[i][doorBuyPrice] = price//PRICE HOUSE 
HIntInfo[i][doorLevelRequired] = level//LEVEL HOUSE 
HIntInfo[i][doorInterior] = interior//INTERIOR HOUSE 
HIntInfo[i][doorExitX] = X//POS INTERIOR 
HIntInfo[i][doorExitY] = Y//POS INTERIOR 
HIntInfo[i][doorExitZ] = Z//POS INTERIOR 

Re: Weird problem - Maximun - 28.12.2015

Thanks for your prompt response but still not working

Re: Weird problem - Maximun - 28.12.2015

Anyone please the problem is still here ...

Re: Weird problem - Jefff - 28.12.2015

Wrong usage IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint

Re: Weird problem - Maximun - 28.12.2015

That's the problem ... wrong usage!! So sorry! I don't really know how I didn't notice it, thanks brother