Moving Camera on Request Class -
FunnyBear - 22.12.2015
Hey there,
I've recently used
Drebin's Camera Editor filterscript to generate a camera movement so I can implement into my script.
The output was as follows:
InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1542.339843, -1676.244384, 30.847208, 1421.688476, -1647.271606, 38.576740, 2000);
InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1547.319580, -1676.068481, 30.433620, 1418.010864, -1643.885131, 38.490806, 2000);
How can I install that into my script so that the camera only starts moving when you go onto a different class? Because at the moment it moves as soon as you go onto OnPlayerRequestClass and as soon as you press the side arrows...
Adding it into the following:
switch ( classid )
case 0 .. 6 :
case 7 .. 8 :
Can you please help?
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class -
FunnyBear - 23.12.2015
Can someone please help?
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class -
vassilis - 23.12.2015
I don't get it. You want the camera to move when player is pressing buttons < > OnPlayerRequestclass callback ?
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class -
FunnyBear - 23.12.2015
Originally Posted by vassilis
I don't get it. You want the camera to move when player is pressing buttons < > OnPlayerRequestclass callback ?
Yes, that is what I would like. For example, whenever you press one of the <> buttons, it swiftly moves to another building
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class -
RoboN1X - 23.12.2015
Try to use SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt instead (you can't set the time though, so the time depends on distance between cameras)... You will have to store the camera offset values for each class.
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
new Float:CCPX, Float:CCPY, Float:CCPZ, // CCP stands for Class Camera Pos
Float:CCLX, Float:CCLY, Float:CCLZ; // CCL stands for Class Camera Look at
case 0 .. 6:
CCPX = 1542.339843, CCPY = -1676.244384, CCPZ = 30.847208; // this is from your 2nd to 4th arguments in InterpolateCameraPos
CCLX = 1547.319580, CCLY = -1676.068481, CCLZ = 30.433620; // this is from your 2nd to 4th arguments in InterpolateCameraLookAt
// your code
case 7 .. 8:
CCPX = 1421.688476, CCPY = -1647.271606, CCPZ = 38.576740; // this is from your 5th to 7th arguments in InterpolateCameraPos
CCLX = 1418.010864, CCLY = -1643.885131, CCLZ = 38.490806; // this is from your 5th to 7th arguments in InterpolateCameraLookAt
// your code
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, CCPX, CCPY, CCPZ);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, CCLX, CCLY, CCLZ, CAMERA_MOVE);
Note: the camera will also try to move when you connect to the server or when player just die... To prevent this, you have to mark as player variable to check if player was in class selection.
If you wanted to use Interpolate (and the way), then you have to store the camera offset and class selection category per player's variable and set them depending on the value you specified on each class, which i have not found the best way to code it, i don't know why GetPlayerCameraPos doesn't return the correct value here.