gettime not working - Printable Version
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gettime not working -
DetoNater - 22.12.2015
Actually my aim is to script for Happy hour(were a score is a bit extra, in my server) and i want it to work it only for 2 hours, that is from 18h to 20h so here's my code!
P.S I dont get any compile errors, but have i placed it in wrong place??
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
if(happyhour[playerid] == 0)
happyhour[playerid] = 0;
//Happy Hour
new hours,minutes,seconds;
gettime(hours, minutes, seconds);
if(hours > 18)
happyhour[playerid] = 1;
if(hours < 20)
happyhour[playerid] = 0;
is there any problem in mine??
Re: gettime not working -
Mencent - 22.12.2015
You can test it and see if you have some mistakes, but I would write it like this:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
new hours,minutes,seconds;
if(hours >= 18 && hours <= 20)
happyhour[playerid] = 1;
else happyhour[playerid] = 0;
return 1;
Re: gettime not working -
PrO.GameR - 22.12.2015
Yes there is, you simply shouldn't use OPU for this simple thing
Make a check that triggers in Gamemodeinit, check the hour, set a timer accordingly which sets happy hour for everyone in a loop, thats the most optimized way to do it I guess.
Re: gettime not working -
TwinkiDaBoss - 22.12.2015
PHP код:
SetTimerEx("CheckHappyHour", 60000, true, "i", playerid); //OnPlayerLogin, 60 seconds is enough.
forward CheckHappyHour(playerid);
public CheckHappyHour(playerid)
new hours,minutes,seconds;
if(hours >= 18 && hours <= 20)
happyhour[playerid] = 1;
else happyhour[playerid] = 0;
return 1;
Re: gettime not working -
DetoNater - 23.12.2015
thank y'all it help, +rep for all!