San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
PatrickGTR - 22.12.2015
I've been working in this gamemode for a month but I got bored and ran out of ideas so therefore I decided to release it as a '
getting started' script, this script is really good to start your
Cops and Robbers gamemode! - I lost interest therefore I won't be updating this anymore but I would help people if they're in need. I also accept people who are interested on continuing this gamemode! - If you find any bug feel free to fix it and pull a request!
Account data are saved using SQLite
Entrance/Exit around SF
Robbable shops around SF - Related to Entrance Exit[/COLOR]
Attachment System- /attachment (delete, buy, edit, view, attach) (slot)
Some commands- /rob (playerid)
- /tie (playerid)
- /untie (playerid)
- /breaktie (no parameter)
- /rules (no parameter)
- /pm (playerid
- /blockpm (no parameter)
- /unblockpm (no parameter)
Class System- Hitman
- /hitlist
- /track
- /placehit
- Weapon Dealer
- sellgun
- acceptgun
- sellarmour
- acceptarmour
- Rapist
- /rape - Different diseases and damages depending on infected disease.
- Drug Dealer
- Hacker
Reliable Ban System saves player name, banner name, reason, ban date, ban duration, gcpi and IP#
- /ban (hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s)) (playerid) (reason) (duration)
- /unban (player name)
Need further work
Each shop should have specific skins depending on shop they belong.
Commands for other classes and general Cops and Robbers commands.
Complete Drug Dealer and Hacker class
Complete player accessories and player items (Add uses to them)
Finish the use of GEOLocation- scissors (/cuttie - escape from tie)
- weed (/smokeweed - heal your hp +50 - (if hp >= 80 command unusable - MAX:50g)
- crack (/smokecrack - heal your armour + 50 - (if armour >= 60 command unusable - MAX:50g)
- rope (/tie - tie a player, the tied player won't be able to move - MAX: 20)
- picklock (/escapejail - escape from jail, +30% chance of escaping - MAX: 20)
- condom (no command - this will protect you from getting raped - MAX:20)
- wallet (no command - this will protect you from getting robbed - MAX: 20)
Credits & Gamemode Dependencies
streamer -
formatex -
****** & current update -
****** & current update -
sscanf -
Southclaw -
Took a lot of snippets from him
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
CrunchxNoy - 22.12.2015
Nice Gamemode !
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
yvoms - 22.12.2015
Very nice, but what else can we expect from patrick!
Nice done bro, i really love it, ill use this to develop my gamemode further!
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
CrazyChoco - 24.12.2015
Probably one of the cleanest gamemode i've ever seen. The code inside looks pretty sweet. Keep it up!
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) (LARGE IMAGES) -
PatrickGTR - 24.12.2015
Some screenshots I forgot to upload when I released the gamemode.
Logging in
Civilian Class Selection
Police Class Selection
Army Class Selection
Robbing a store (SUCCESS!)
Robbing a store (FAIL)
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
Amunra - 25.12.2015
Not bad , but you need to add some location like Los santos etc.
I think 9/10
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
xXRevolverXx - 25.12.2015
thats very hard good work, also, i need to ask you about somethings, and here is some useless help,tele cmds, for all the airports, ls,sf,lv. goodluck!
CMD:lsa(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /lsa");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /lsa", PNAME);
return 1;
CMD:sfa(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /sfa");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /sfa", PNAME);
return 1;
CMD:lva(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /lva");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /lva", PNAME);
return 1;
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
RedLabel - 26.12.2015
looks good
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
DavidGravelli - 26.12.2015
Nice GameMode
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
Barnwell - 26.12.2015
Nice gamemode good job!
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
punklord - 28.12.2015
Looks good,gl!
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
CopKing123 - 23.02.2016
Looks awesome , I'm using it with credits to u ofc and I have a small request, can you pls make a loading system? Like when a player starts robbing a shop, it will show a small loading above the minimap and as it reaches full the shop will be robbed succesfully.. if someone can pls script this then i'll be very thankful
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
TheBestHunter - 24.02.2016
10/10 Gamemode,Good Job!
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
CHAMPION1 - 25.10.2016
this game mode works on windows??
Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) -
Coraxx - 10.03.2018
This isn't working. If someone has it please share :v