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[GameMode] San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - Printable Version

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San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - PatrickGTR - 22.12.2015


I've been working in this gamemode for a month but I got bored and ran out of ideas so therefore I decided to release it as a 'getting started' script, this script is really good to start your Cops and Robbers gamemode! - I lost interest therefore I won't be updating this anymore but I would help people if they're in need. I also accept people who are interested on continuing this gamemode! - If you find any bug feel free to fix it and pull a request!


- Account data are saved using SQLite
- Entrance/Exit around SF
- Robbable shops around SF - Related to Entrance Exit[/COLOR]
- Attachment System- Some commands- Class System- Reliable Ban System saves player name, banner name, reason, ban date, ban duration, gcpi and IP# Need further work

- Each shop should have specific skins depending on shop they belong.
- Commands for other classes and general Cops and Robbers commands.
- Complete Drug Dealer and Hacker class
- Complete player accessories and player items (Add uses to them)
- Finish the use of GEOLocation Credits & Gamemode Dependencies
Ryder- CTime-
Gammix- yoursql-
Incognito- streamer -
Slice- formatex -
****** & current update - YSI-
****** & current update - sscanf -
Southclaw - Took a lot of snippets from him


Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - CrunchxNoy - 22.12.2015

Nice Gamemode !

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - yvoms - 22.12.2015

Very nice, but what else can we expect from patrick!
Nice done bro, i really love it, ill use this to develop my gamemode further!

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - CrazyChoco - 24.12.2015

Probably one of the cleanest gamemode i've ever seen. The code inside looks pretty sweet. Keep it up!

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) (LARGE IMAGES) - PatrickGTR - 24.12.2015

Some screenshots I forgot to upload when I released the gamemode.

Logging in


Civilian Class Selection

Police Class Selection

Army Class Selection

Robbing a store (SUCCESS!)

Robbing a store (FAIL)

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - Amunra - 25.12.2015

Not bad , but you need to add some location like Los santos etc.
I think 9/10

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - xXRevolverXx - 25.12.2015

thats very hard good work, also, i need to ask you about somethings, and here is some useless help,tele cmds, for all the airports, ls,sf,lv. goodluck!

CMD:lsa(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /lsa");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
        format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /lsa", PNAME);
	return 1;
CMD:sfa(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /sfa");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
        format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /sfa", PNAME);
	return 1;
CMD:lva(playerid,params[]) {
new string[128];
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00FF,"[TELE]You have been teleported to /lva");
GetPlayerName(playerid, PNAME, MAX_PLAYERS);
        format(string, sizeof(string),"[INFO]%s has been teleported to /lva", PNAME);
	return 1;

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - RedLabel - 26.12.2015

looks good

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - DavidGravelli - 26.12.2015

Nice GameMode

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - Barnwell - 26.12.2015

Nice gamemode good job!

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - punklord - 28.12.2015

Looks good,gl!

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - CopKing123 - 23.02.2016

Looks awesome , I'm using it with credits to u ofc and I have a small request, can you pls make a loading system? Like when a player starts robbing a shop, it will show a small loading above the minimap and as it reaches full the shop will be robbed succesfully.. if someone can pls script this then i'll be very thankful

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - TheBestHunter - 24.02.2016

10/10 Gamemode,Good Job!

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - CHAMPION1 - 25.10.2016

this game mode works on windows??

Re: San Fierro Cops and Robbers (Getting started) - Coraxx - 10.03.2018

This isn't working. If someone has it please share :v