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Mysql error - Printable Version

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Mysql error - m4m5 - 22.12.2015

i have a mysql roleplay gamemode
i installed the mysql in localhost/phpmyadmin
but when i want run my server this errors will be shown
server works but not correctly
can you help me to remove this errors?
sorry for my bad english

Re: Mysql error - FreAkeD - 22.12.2015

You need to show us the logs and errors, we obviously cant guess your errors.

Re: Mysql error - m4m5 - 22.12.2015

Originally Posted by FreAkeD
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You need to show us the logs and errors, we obviously cant guess your errors.
sorry i forgot that

Re: Mysql error - FreAkeD - 22.12.2015

You are using the wrong version of the plugin. I believe you need the R37.

Re: Mysql error - m4m5 - 22.12.2015

Originally Posted by FreAkeD
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You are using the wrong version of the plugin. I believe you need the R37.
can you give me a download link?