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Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Printable Version

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Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Amunra - 22.12.2015

why not all filterscript can work in Server or gamemode me ?

if there is a problem with my gamemode or not all the gamemode can receive certain filterscript ?


Sorry for my bad english,Please Understand what i mean

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Ritzy2K - 22.12.2015


Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - X337 - 22.12.2015

Use crashdetect, and check the problems.

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Amunra - 22.12.2015

Originally Posted by X337
Посмотреть сообщение
Use crashdetect, and check the problems.
How to use Crashdetect ?

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Amunra - 22.12.2015

when I tried in my gamemode filterscript not work but when I tried it on another gamemode filterscript the work! whats wrong ?
Sorry for my bad english

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - iKarim - 22.12.2015

It depends what the filterscript supposed to do, and what problem happens when you try the filterscript in your gamemode.

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - Amunra - 23.12.2015

when i use the plugin windows in my experiment server this filterscript is succesfully , but when I tried it on a linux server which uses this plugin filterscript not work

Re: Just Quetion And Give me solution +REP For you - SilverStand - 23.12.2015

Use Crashdetect plugins , and check your problems on the log